She's Gotta Have It: My Picks from the IT 2015 Cinematic Convention

Well, it is not fun being at home. I had a whole year without a doll convention...and now I am in a new city without a doll club as well. Basically I have no one around me who understands my 'crazy'. Le sigh. I really want to go next year if only to be among my people. Here is hoping the location and my teaching schedule will let that happen. If not, I may just get a proxy again. Then I won't have to deal with the stress of getting stuff. Looking back on the offerings and news from the last few dolls, here are the things that excite me the most! Director's Cut Ace McFly: I am loving this one. The outfit is amazing. I think it would be awesome to pose Ace in this and a raven hair doll in and variation of the Wild One outfit but with a black t-shirt and white jeans...TWINSIES! They could be dates for Lilith and Eden. I am trying to get my hands on this one via ebay, the forums, or a trade. Moving onto the Style L...