
Showing posts from October, 2017

Dolly Hangover 2017: Post Convention Musings from my Couch

Well, another IT Convention is over. I was not able to attend due to a dress rehearsal today. I hope the same thing does not happen next year. Sadly I have little control over the theatre schedule or my design assignments and it was just bad timing this year. Luckily I had a wonderful proxy (bless you Stacy and Diane) so I get swag. Frankly I likely spend WAY less money by doing it this way and not having to pay for travel...PLUS the room sales and other temptations being less of an issue. But it is SO MUCH FUN to be there. Since moving away from Chicago, I also don't have local dolly friends and I miss chatting with like-minded weirdos in the flesh. So I will start this now... #PORTLANDOLLIA So my thoughts, to begin with I was a little apprehensive about the theme. With "fairytale" I was worried things would get mighty Disney princessy. I was both wrong and right. I was most surprised about how deep they mined the Disney cartoons for inspiration. Most of that came t...

Saturday Night Closing Gala Roundup- Fashion Fairytale IT Convention

Item # 91430 Frosted Glamour Adèle Makéda® Dressed Doll The Fashion Royalty® Collection The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale Gala Dinner Event Centerpiece Doll Edition Size: 420 Dolls ADELE!!! Snow Queen Adele with the 2.0 mold and some stunning makeup and haircolor. I am not loving the hairstyle though but she is definitely gorgeous. I like the jewels too. I don't do poofy gowns so that will need to go. She will look really cool in some of the things I have bought or made for Anika Luxotica. I think they will display together nicely. I was kind of hoping Adele might be Malificent to go with Nadja...but this is a fun option. I might need to do something with her brows though...either darker or whiter? And maybe baby hairs in white? Item # 91429 Malefique Elyse Jolie™ Dressed Doll The Fashion Royalty® Collection The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale Official Convention Doll Edition Size: 600 Dol...

W Club Luncheon Roundup -Fashion Fairytale IT Convention

A whole new world.... That was my high school prom theme (barf...I did NOT approve). That also tells you how old I am. Anyway, today's W Club lunch featured Rayna as Jasmine and the swag doll was Giselle as Aladdin. There was also an epic question/answer panel with some of the IT design team letting us know what is coming up next. For Poppy, next year's theme is " City Sweetheart " that will be a mix of pre-mod early sixties with modern Kate Spade-esque styling. I also read something about a return to early screening styles (including some sans glued on eyelashes) and some high heel feet mixed in. They are also working on bringing Ginger and some other characters. We shall see. Fashion Royalty will be inspired by the Bali Festival with a dash of fetish. The new homme body is nearly ready to go and Victoire will be showing up soon in the East 49th dolls. Item # 82093 Natural Wonder Rayna Ahmadi™ Dressed Doll The NU. FACE Collection The 2017...

Friday Roundup- Fashion Fairytale IT Convention

Today's focus seemed to be on workshops, a luncheon, and tonight's Bazaar. At least once, there was a bonus gift at the bazaar, but likely not. They continued the trend of mixing up the brands at the various events. I was kind of surprised but not surprised to see Poppy again as the centerpiece. I mean we have had so many already at this convention. But she is also a reliably adorable cash cow. She was also a great choice to be Red Riding Hood. Item # PP126 Through The Woods Poppy Parker ®  Dressed Doll The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale Lunch Event Centerpiece Edition Size: 420 Dolls Adorable outfit. I was lucky to get this one. I'm not sure I will keep the doll though...I have to see her in person. I might opt to keep the raven snow white instead to use for Red Riding Hood. We shall see.  That basket purse is adorable! It looks like this one has the regular feet. Item # 91428 Bite Out Of Life Eugenia Perrin-Frost™ Dre...

Thursday Evening Roundup-Fashion Fairytale IT Convention

Item # 91427 The Queen of Everything Agnes Von Weiss™ Dressed Doll The Fashion Royalty® Collection The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale Table Centerpiece Edition Size: 420 Dolls Long live the Evil Queen. I love the ruff...but man this looks like a STAIN-A-THON to me. The screening looks similar to Festive Decadence maybe? Not my favorite look for her. I am sure others are pleased. My number was not drawn (thankfully). The chair was pretty awesome. I believe the chair cost $60. Item # PP127 Fairest of All Poppy Parker ®  Dressed Doll   The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale Dinner Event Giveaway Doll Edition Size: 600 Dolls Snow White. Perfect choice and I think the outfit is very cute. I will need to see her in person to decide if she stays. I already have an adorable raven poppy (girl from IT) but this doll does have the new high heel feet. Tempting.  Item # 82090A...

Fashion Fairytale Thursday Convention Musings...

Well, one day down. I’m pleased so far. I am not loving everything...which is a good thing since I can’t afford to want it all (or anything really). It feels ‘costumey’ at times...kind of like nearly ALL Tonner convention items towards the end there...but a lot of these are versatile pieces that just need some more subtle styling to look less like a Halloween party and more like fashionistas. I like that there has been some color in the fashions and diversity in skin tones and doll lines so far. Having a Misaki gift set was a huge surprise and really fun as I don’t really have the mental bandwidth to deal with getting her from Japan. I also like how they mixed Fr with Poppy at dinner tonight. I wonder if that will continue with a poppy centerpiece tomorrow? Or maybe Poppy is done for the convention? I’d be fine with that actually since there are THREE in the sales room plus two in the style lab. or maybe we will finally see a new character? Ginger? Is that her name? I’m holding ou...

Integrity Fashion Fairytale Convention Collection

Item # 91424 Wicked Behavior Natalia Fatalé™ Dressed Doll The Fashion Royalty® Collection The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale Convention Collection Edition Size: 600 Dolls Wicked Witch of the West. I'm usually pretty safe when it comes to NOT wanting dolls from the convention collection. I rarely go for poofy evening gowns. This is a nice one though and I like the slick modern hair style...but I don't need her.  RESIST!!! Item # 91425 Spell of Kindness Vanessa Perrin™ Dressed Doll The Fashion Royalty® Collection The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale Convention Collection Edition Size: 600 Dolls Glinda. So much froth. Reminds me of the Poppy perfume gown from the Bon Bon line. Pretty sculpt and hair color though. RESIST~~~ Item # 91426 Sea-Devil Véronique Perrin™ Dressed Doll The Fashion Royalty® Collection The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fash...

Fashion Fairytale Convention Style Lab- Industry Wonderland

I pre-ordered this whole set. Its a bit costumey but I think the pieces will mix nicely with other outfits in fun ways. I wish at least one of the ladies came with flat feet. The Alice doll would have been the obvious choice. Oh well. Item # 88015 Tulabelle True™ Nude Doll The Industry™ Style Lab The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale Wearing Item # 88025 I'm Curious Fashion Only The Industry™ Style Lab The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale Alice. Love the little jacket and dress.  Not wild about the doll. She is a little bland. Item # 88016 Binx Barone™ Nude Doll The Industry™ Style Lab The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale Wearing Item # 88026 Heartache Fashion Only The Industry™ Style Lab The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale Red Queen of Hearts. The jacket is based on a YSL coat . Fun. These pieces will be great mixed with the Cruella fashions (assuming...