Friday Roundup- Fashion Fairytale IT Convention

Item # PP126
Through The Woods
Poppy Parker® Dressed Doll
The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale
Lunch Event Centerpiece
Edition Size: 420 Dolls

Item # 91428
Bite Out Of Life
Eugenia Perrin-Frost™ Dressed Doll
The Fashion Royalty® Collection
The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale
Lunch Event Giveaway Doll
Edition Size: 600 Dolls
Big Bad Wolf. Those earrings are everything. I also love the cape. Very dramatic and I like that it is understated (no fur etc...). I have yet to be swayed by Eugenia though...not my favorite sculpt but she is very pretty.
The next piece in the giftset was an unexpected partial torso featuring a 'sleeping eye' Nadja. Also included was a pretty bracelet, rose, and pink lingerie set. Additionally, attendees to purchase the pieces to create a complete second body from the salesroom for just under $16! Quite a deal actually. I might try to get a second sleeping head torso to repaint and reroot her. I'd like a Nadja with a natural hair style and color.
Item # 82090B
Sweet Dreams
Welcome Multi-Part Giftset
Nadja Rhymes™ Dressed Doll
The NU. Face Collection
The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale
Build-a-Giftset Part B (Sleeping Head and Lingerie)
Edition Size: 600 Kits
The next piece in the giftset was an unexpected partial torso featuring a 'sleeping eye' Nadja. Also included was a pretty bracelet, rose, and pink lingerie set. Additionally, attendees to purchase the pieces to create a complete second body from the salesroom for just under $16! Quite a deal actually. I might try to get a second sleeping head torso to repaint and reroot her. I'd like a Nadja with a natural hair style and color.