Saturday Night Closing Gala Roundup- Fashion Fairytale IT Convention

Frosted Glamour
Adèle Makéda® Dressed Doll
The Fashion Royalty® Collection
The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale
Gala Dinner Event Centerpiece Doll
Edition Size: 420 Dolls
ADELE!!! Snow Queen Adele with the 2.0 mold and some stunning makeup and haircolor. I am not loving the hairstyle though but she is definitely gorgeous. I like the jewels too. I don't do poofy gowns so that will need to go. She will look really cool in some of the things I have bought or made for Anika Luxotica. I think they will display together nicely. I was kind of hoping Adele might be Malificent to go with Nadja...but this is a fun option. I might need to do something with her brows though...either darker or whiter? And maybe baby hairs in white?
The Fashion Royalty® Collection
The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale
Official Convention Doll
Edition Size: 600 Dolls
Love the jewels. The purple hair is fun but I imagine it will be a love/hate scenario for many collectors. The facial screening is pretty stunning. It reminds me of Midnight Star a bit but in more berry colors. I am WILDLY disappointed in yet another black dress. I mean at least the bodice could have been purple or something. Oh well. I have not decided on the doll. Currently I only have Fine Print Elyse and then Seduciante on pre-order. I sold my Midnight Star in pre-wedding saving panic and have often regretted maybe this one stays. The dress has to go however.
Sweet Dreams
Welcome Multi-Part Giftset
Nadja Rhymes™ Dressed Doll
The NU. FACE Collection
The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale
Build-a-Giftset Part C (Outfit)
Edition Size: 600 Outfits
The final outfit is very cute. I love the flirty textures and the soft pink. Can't wait to get it. This overall was a fun set with two very girly feminine outfits and nice undies. I think I will make a kimono or something to pair with the lingerie and I might need to finally make a bed for photo displays.
Next year in PORTLAND, OR! I hope I can afford the flight and hotel. I've always wanted to go to the Northwest!