Techrat! Integrity Dolls Jem W Club Exclusive

Reception has been pretty mixed on this one. I am pleased with him and ordered without hesitation. The biggest complaint heard is that his head seems to be too bald. I agree that it does not seem that severe when you look at the cartoon and I would not be unhappy if the production doll gets tweaked (All photos are of a prototype doll). People also want his other gray outfit more. I like the red one better myself. The extra head is a strange but nifty bonus. There is an contingent of Jem collectors that feel this extra head makes this doll "not theirs" (which is bizarre). Yes, this head is clearly added to tempt non-jem collectors to buy what would otherwise be a very oddball doll for them. I don't see why people would fault a company for trying to make money. If dolls don't sell, then we are unlikely to get more dolls. People also seem annoyed that we have not gotten Eric . I really think Eric is going to be in the next...