IT Convention Saturday Haul-Thoughts from a Distance

It seems like the Studio 54 vibe did not carry into Saturday's dolls. All the offerings today seem much more current, edgy, and dark. The makeup on all the dolls from Saturday were STUNNING.
Nu Face Debut at the W club Luncheon...
Sensuous Affair
Giselle Diefendorf™ Dressed Doll
W Club Luncheon Exclusive Centerpiece Doll
Limited Edition of 400 Dolls
My proxy got the Giselle Centerpiece for me! Woot. I don't currently have a Giselle and this one is nifty...though I think I like Giselle better as a redhead. I do like the hair color mix (blonde and platinum silver it seems). And look at those boots people. Amazing.

Chrome Noir
Erin Salston™ Dressed Doll
W Club Luncheon Exclusive Giveaway Doll
Limited Edition of 400 Dolls
Erin is lovely. I am a little torn as she looks amazing but I also REALLY love my High End Envy Erin and try not to repeat sculpts.
Dominique Makeda™ Dressed Doll
Official Workshop Doll
Limited Edition of 300 Dolls
I did not get the Workshop Dominque. This I definitely regret as she is AMAZING. I just love her hair and her lips. Le sigh.
Evening Siren
Ayumi N.™ Dressed Doll
IT Direct Store Exclusive
I also did not get Ayumi due to some name confusion with my proxy. Her edition size is high though so there is a slim chance they might have some leftover for a lottery. But I think I can live without her. Again, I don't do evening gowns for her outfit is lost on me. Here's hoping they do another one that I like better.
Saturday Dinner:

Elise Jolie™ Dressed Doll
Official Table Centerpiece
Limited Edition of 300 Dolls
Intrigue Elise reminds me of Montaigne Market just in platinum blonde. The tuxedo is fun looks great next to Le Smoking Adele on the shelf. The one per sculpt rule does not apply to Elise or Agnes so she will be mine! I adore Platinum and love the whole look of her. Such an ice princess!

Intimate Reveal
Agnes Von Weiss™ Dressed Doll
Official Convention Souvenir Doll
Limited Edition of 500 Dolls
AGNES!!! Oh man she is gorgeous. I love the smokey eye and pale lip with this dark ponytail. She reminds me of the Helper Zinger doll that all the world covets. The gown is great but once again, not my style so I will unload that one and keep this gorgeous lady. Weeeee! My screening seems a bit off on her face around the eyes but she is still gorgeous,
Next year's convention is in Long Beach, California. Not sure I will be able to do it but I will definitely try to get another proxy if I can't be there in person. At that point I should be able to skip out on the wee lad for a weekend. It depends on flights and how much the hotel will be. If they do the friday night bazaar thing again then I might do it. I would love to sell things but room sales for me in the past have been really hit and miss. I always feel so awkward doing them but do much better in a salesroom. I have enjoyed the Integrity conventions I have attended SO MUCH and the value is so good for what you get. My Tonner collecting has really slowed down and is pretty much limited to Wonder Woman related swag at this point so I don't feel any angst skipping that convention these days (at least not while he is on this perpetual cinderella sculpt, fantasy fashions, and deja vu kick as I have no interest in them at all). Plus it would be fun to go to California when I have some energy. I was at the super-uncomfortable point in my pregnancy last year (well really there is no 'comfortable point' in pregnancy) so I was not able to get out and about much last time. So if I start saving now...hmmm.