
Showing posts from January, 2013

Fashion Illustration

I'm taking fashion illustration again at the college to get some more practice and learn some different techniques. Fashion drawings are very different then costume renderings.  The figure is slimmer and more stylized and I am very realistic with my costume style usually so making the switch to fashion has always been tricky. So here is my first project in progress.  The theme is New Atlantide.  I choose to combine the idea of ancient civilizations like Greece and Rome with the decadence of the twenties.

SADNESS! No lottery win for me....

This is me finding out that I did not get selected for the Funny Face Lottery doll. I really hope I can get this set later on.  Sometimes they end up with a few extras.  Fingers crossed

Stand down...All Pre-orders confirmed

A feeling familiar to all Integrity collectors...the dreaded wait.  From the moment that you see the gorgeous new dolls and then frantically email a variety of dealers (trying in vain to optimize your W Club dealer coupons while also trying to be loyal to your wonderful local dealers)....then you have to sit and wait....and wait...and wait...and squirm...and then wait some more.  Some get back to you in a jiffy and you can take a small breath in relief...others are longer.  Now during this wait, you start to second guess yourself...What if you miss out?  What if they sell out while you are waiting?  Why did you order so many to begin with?  Ugh. Then finally, you get a pleasantly worded confirmation email.  Down payments are placed.  You can finally sit back and relax and spend a restful night dreaming of all the new beautiful things coming to you shortly... UGH!  Coming TOO you have to worry about paying for all these darn p...

Dollmarket Valentine's Day Sale- Doctor Who Ladies

Oh so tempting sale at Dollmarket has both Gwen Cooper and Martha Jones on sale for $99.  If I weren't trying desperately to reduce the doll collection, I would be all over these as I think the sculpts are really nice and the outfits have some nice basic pieces to them.

Dolls Magazine Feature: Driven to Create!

If you haven't picked up the latest issue of Dolls Magazine February 2013...well I am pleased to let you know that they have featured me and my little hats in an article called "Driven to Create".  I also contributed a millinery project to the issue.  Very exciting.  I will be putting some of my hats up for sale shortly so keep an eye on the blog for future announcements.

Integrity Tulabelle! Adorable!

So Tullabelle.  This is Integrity's 16" doll challenger and direct competition for Tonner's Cami & Jon line.  I was prepared to not like her.  I had an Avant Gard for like a year and then sold her.  I never warmed up to her body sculpt, jointing, or face paint. Also I hated the wigs.  But this Tullabelle is adorable.  I love the fresh youthful look and the playfullness in the fashions.  Plus the accessories!!!!  For the price of these dolls, the stuff that they come with blows Tonner out of the water.    I pre-ordered Pomp & Circumstance right away. I kind of want to get Yeti To Wear as well...and Trend Spotted.  Oh the decisions....ugh.  I feel like I should decide really soon as I imagine these are going to sell like hotcakes. Item #86001 J'Adore Blond Basic Tulabelleâ„¢ Doll Suggested Retail Price: US $115.00 Limited Edition of 300 Dolls 16 inch Doll Estimated Delivery Date: Early May 2013 During a lazy Saturd...

Jem & the Holograms Wave 2: The Holograms!!!!

 SQUEAL!!!!  So excited. I was both surprised and yet not surprised at the same time.  I knew we would be getting some other characters, but I suspected we would only be getting one or two from the Holograms and maybe one of two from the Misfits.  I much prefer getting the Holograms in one chunk so that I have a nice complete set without the risk of the series being cancelled before they are complete (seems unlikely but I have been burned MANY times).  I called my dealer and I am now waiting for confirmation. Item # 14026 KIMBER BENTONâ„¢ The JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMSâ„¢ Collection Limited Edition of 1000 Dolls Only Suggested Retail Price: US $119.00 Estimated Ship Date: Early March 2013 KIMBER BENTON  is romantic, rebellious, and emotional, and she sometimes envies the attention that is paid to her big sister, JERRICA BENTON.  Ever since she was a child, KIMBER has been writing and playing music.  Her father had hoped that she would follow he...

Integrity Funny Face...hold onto your checkbooks!

Sweet baby lord above.  Integrity unveiled some heavenly eye candy this weekend.  I was very good and only pre-ordered one thing (and hopefully the W Club lottery set as well).  I hope that I can get some more of the pieces later on on sale or via splits though. Item # 14011 Take The Picture! Dressed Doll The Funny Face Collection Limited Edition of 400 Dolls Suggested Retail Price: US $150.00 Estimated Delivery Date: Week of February 11th, 2013 Worn only for a few brief moments in what is probably one of the most memorable scenes of the entire movie, the look of "Take The Picture!" is arguably what permanently set the image of FUNNY FACE in our collective imaginations.  When the character of Jo Stockton made her appearance on screen in this flamboyant bright red, perfectly constructed satin gown, the audience was floored! "Take The Picture!" is a 12" fully articulated vinyl doll with rooted hair and hand-applied eyelashes featuring Integrity's Poppy P...

Tonner Mainline Release Wednesday Feb. 6th! Wishlist...

Check it out here. Wonder Girl- By Allison Sohn I am excited to see the new ballet dolls. What am I wishing for? Hmm...I asked on facebook whether they had the rights to the City of Bones film and though it was not confirmed, it was also not denied.  So I remain hopeful that this is one of the new licenses.  We shall see. I really want a Lily skinned ballet Nu Mood body.  I would also LOVE to have a Nu Mood version on the Antoinette body.  I really like that body and would love to have the interchangeable feet for those dolls.  I would love to see a Nu Mood man doll as well with one of the good mandoll sculpts out there and give him the ballet feet and all the hands.  I would LOVE to get more hands for my superhero dudes as well. I would love some sort of Downton Abbey era doll. I am looking forward to the new Wizard of Oz dolls but likely won't be getting them as they don't really fit in the collection. Obviously I always hope for more DC ...

New Wilde Imagination & End of Edition Specials

In the Ellowyne Collection, we have several new things.  There is one new outfit, Ruffled Up ...which is VERY pink frothy and ruffled, not really my cup of tea. I don't think Soulful Saturday is new...but I had never seen it before.  Evangeline seems to have several new things.  The basic Dreamstate Evangeline is very tempting. And a painted eye  Evangeline ...just wish she wasn't wigged.  I am not a fan of wig dolls.  A couple of Parnilla dolls and a new outfit.  I am still not tempted.    Amelia Thimble has some new Peter Pan themed dolls as well. And a Special Discount.... Happy Winter! Enjoy FREE* Shipping on Any Order of $75 or More from Wilde Imagination! Just use Promo Code WINTER13 at checkout to receive the Savings.  (*Free shipping within the Continental U.S. only] International friends, use Promo Code WINTER13INT to receive a $9.95 discount on Any Order of $75 or More. Don't Wait ~ this offer expires on Febr...

Tiny Ponies Wearing Sweaters...Is this Heaven?

Onesie wearing Shetland ponies back tourism drive - Features - I cannot even stand how cute this is.  My brain exploded.

Tiny Aretha Inauguration Hat

Obviously I love me some hats.  And obviously I love tiny hats.  So this one is fantastic.  I grudgingly give you a high five Katy Perry and John Mayer for your cleverness.

Michelle and Jason sitting in a tree....

Obviously I am a big Jason Wu fan...and a big Michella Obama fan.  And together they are like peanut butter in my chocolate.  Once again, I think he has designed a stunner of a dress for her.  As a tall girl with hips myself...I really appreciate Jason Wu's ability to design for women with curves. the best word for it.  And...this dress would look great on Wonder Woman. I also love the bangs. Actually the First Lady would make a swell Amazon.

West Coast Event Items on Sale & New Spring Items on Jan. 23rd!

The Ellowyne Wilde "Does This Make Me Look Too Happy" doll is still up for sale on Wilde Imagination.   Disenchanting Evening Evangeline came and went in a flash.  Same goes for New Year's Patsy . According to the e-blast, some of the new spring items will be on the website tomorrow.  

Tonner 2013 Gossip

Following the West Coast event this weekend, there is quite a bit of new information floating around on the doll boards.  I will break it down for you...of course this is all hearsay at the moment. Tonner will be at Toy Fair this year in early February. Harry Potter -no mas. GWTW -A new scarlett in a red dress. Ellowyne -possibly more furniture in the works -painted eye Pru doll -another feeling drained ellowyne -sixties themed outfits -Relative Find lacey gown -Just Peachy outfit -seems likely that Freddy is coming Patsy -possibly some furniture coming. Oz -Another Glinda and more witches but not based on the new movie.  dang. Sindy -this is the new line based on the vintage doll.  The sculpt has not been completed.  If that is the case, I wonder if we will be seeing her at all at the May Convention? New Licenses -Carmen Dell'Orefice celebrity doll.  Possibly a 1950s version and the 'mature' version.  Either would be pret...

Tonner Convention "Age of Innocence" Registration Open

Here is the scoop: Welcome to the gilt, glamour and intrigue of The Age of Innocence-the Tonner Doll Company 2013 Collector's Convention !  We'll explore times past both real and imaginary and from whimsical childlike innocence to sophisticated elegance.  This magical weekend begins on May 16th and will be filled with honest-to-goodness merriment--and you just may have the time of your life! Robert Tonner and staff have packed this whirlwind weekend full of delightful fun.  We'll visit candy land and Dr. Seuss; we'll time travel to the Gatsby-esque elegance of the 1920's and the swinging sixties and meet in the grand ballroom for the enchanting Carousel Ball.  And that's not all!  Back by popular demand, a Dessert party where we can dance the night away!  And let's not forget the Wilde side of things, where the absence of innocence prevails!  This year's Wilde Imagination event is included with your Tonner Convention registration, and th...