IT 2019 Fashion Week Convention Saturday Gala
Surprise another Elyse! But the biggest surprise was that I actually liked her. I even got her signed by Jason Wu. I am a little confused by this reaction since I usually go on and on about how I don't do gowns. So yeah. She's coming home and might actually stay on the shelf. The centerpiece was Vanessa 1.0 with a peach floofy dress and possibly Night Warrior screening and was designed by Jessy Ayala. I passed my opportunity on to another table mate. Sorry Vanessa. You are not for me. I was a little disappointed that Jason did not design the centerpiece too. Oh well. NEXT YEAR IN DALLAS! Item # 91471 Ethereal Beauty Vanessa Perrinā¢ Centerpiece The 2019 Integrity Toys Convention: ļ»æLive From Fashion Week Edition Size: 550 dolls Head Sculpt: Vanessa 1.0 Body Type: FR Foot Sculpt: High Heel Skin Tone: Japan Hair Color: Platinum Blonde Eyelashes: Yes Quickswitch: No Item # 10239 Spring 201...