We finally got a look at our first club doll for 2014: Victoire Roux Le Grande Seduction! Collectors were thrilled to see the return of STORIES for the dolls and hope this continues into the other line reveals for this year. I love the color, the stunning jewelry, and find the dress design interesting but I am going to pass on this beauty. The reveals of the new lines are coming and I am happy with the Montreal Victoire and the Victorious brunette from convention. VICTOIRE ROUXâ„¢: La Grande Seduction (The Great Seduction) During Europe's darkest hours, Victoire Roux not only fought valiantly to save the lives of her compatriots, but as a patron of the arts, she also worked tirelessly to protect the magnificent cultural heritage of France. Swiftly salvaging and hiding world famous paintings by the likes of Van Gogh, Monet and many others from would be conquerors and other miscreants in an ultra secret hiding place, Victoire successfully saved these irreplaceable treas...