Birchbox and Citrus Lane: treat yourself

So, I decided to give myself a treat this year. I had heard about a monthly mystery box subscription for beauty stuff (birchbox) and also found one for babies (citrus lane). I am a total whore for makeup and the box seemed like a fun way to try things out. The baby box is customized to your both gender and age and based on reviews it seems like a good value. I signed up for a year of Birchbox and 6 months of citrus lane. I found a discount code to get the first month at citrus lane for less. My first birchbox arrived yesterday! I have only had time to try out the burt bees lotion (which was nice) and they had a good coupon to buy it in stores included. It also had some fancy shampoo and conditioner, some body lotion samples, and a travel size natural mascara. I will try those out this weekend. As a part of my annual resolution to Make an Effort....I am also trying to be nicer to myself. I tend to buy things and then save them. I have heard ...