
Showing posts from May, 2014

Tonner 2014 Convention Items on Sale!

Thus far it looks like nothing has sold out.  I am 'slightly' tempted to get a Lady Action...but I really hate wig dolls.  I think I will just wait for the Diana Prince line in the fall.  Though Lady Action's outfit and weapons pretty fun.  The wonder woman outfit is still available...go get it!  I cannot begin to comprehend the price point on that Anniversary Tyler !  $225!!!! what the??? Shop here...

2014 Fashion Royalty-Urban Safari

I think this is a gorgeous collection, but luckily I was not in love with most of it.  I say 'luckily' because my wallet would not handle it after the Jem and Poppy purchases.  I chose to pre-order Natalia and Kyori because I loved their outfits and thought that, along with the Event Agnes and the Upgrade Vanessa , these four dolls would give so many mix and match options. I like the details of the repeated leopard brocade in different colors on these dolls and the corset lacing on Kyori's skirt and Agnes' bodice.  I adore the blue accents on Kyori's boots and the awesome mini Jason Wu 'Jordan' handbag. I definitely want to add some pieces in the saffron color and the red-orange seen on Elise and Vero.  I have always loved the trend of hot oranges mixed with neutrals.  I think they also need some olive or khaki trousers.  I look forward to the shoe pack from IT Direct and hope I can get it (limited to 300 so I imagine it will be a lottery).  There ...

2014 Jem and the Holograms Wave Five: Clash, Video, Danse, & Regine!

Oh my.  I was not expecting four...and oh my are they giving us the dolls of our dreams!  It is so refreshing to know that Integrity actually PAYS ATTENTION to the wants and wishes of collectors.  (*cough Tonner Cough).  Of course, I ordered them.  Man my wallet is in pain.  Must kick some more dolls off the island in response.  I am overwhelmed with joy about Clash.  The three heads and the use of the quickswitch thing is very very cool.  I also like the outfit choice and execution here. Video is also cute. I adore her pants and love that they did the streak in her hair.  I think it is clever that they re-used the Jerrica and Kimber molds for these girls in order to keep a family resemblance going...a nice touch.   Danse is lovely and the ballet look as a bonus is so very cool.  I am sad for the lack of boom box though. IT posted a pic of Danse in the box to show how colorful her hair actually is! Regine is amazing.  I ...

2014 Tulabelle Collection

So I really love Front Row. I also like French Kissed too and it is all I can do not to pre-order them both...but with all the other stuff I am getting, I must be patient and hope I can get them on sale. Really you cannot beat these dolls when it comes to value. If they were Tonner would be paying way over $200 for this kind of thing and would not be getting a purse for damn sure. IT Facebook Photo Set Item # 86008 French Kissed Tulabelleâ„¢ Dressed Doll Suggested Retail Price: $140.00 US Limited Edition Size: 300 Estimated Ship Date: Approximately Late Summer 2014 Doll Tech Specs: Body Type: Fashion Teen (16-Inch) Head Sculpt: Tulabelle Quick Switch Feature: No Skin Tones: Japan Hair Color: Platinum Eyelashes: Yes, Hand Applied Figuring out what to wear to the Paris shows is stressful. Thankfully Tulabelle knew exactly what she wanted to wear for the first day. This French designer inspired ensemble is sure to make a splash ...

2014 Poppy Parker: The Girl from I.N.T.E.G.R.I.T.Y. Collection

So I pretty much got EXACTLY what I wanted here.  A redhead in a catsuit.  I pre-ordered her before they were even onto the next slide...and then I pre-ordered the next one too.  This collection is humongous.  I was definitely not expecting three new characters to be added.  Tina Tanaka using the Ayumi sculpt is darn cute and I know people are big fans of Collette. I am passing on them both for now.  I am not a fan of the Francisco head so the other bad guy does nothing for me. Chip's tuxedo is adorable...but I already have a Chip that I love AND he has a tuxedo so it seems a little frivolous to get this one too. I am rarely ever tempted by evening gowns though that pink makeup and hairstyle is gorgeous on the Monte Carlo Poppy. I ordered the Lotta Danger of course and then I also am trying to get Spy-a-go-go for the outfit.  I will likely sell off the doll nude.  The quickswitch head thing with the Loni doll is pretty brilliant.  I also l...

W Club 2014 Event Doll Exclusive- High Visibility Agnes Mini Gift Set

Item # 91349 High Visibility Agnes Von Weissâ„¢ Dressed Doll Mini Gift Set The Fashion Royalty® Collection 2014 W Club Online Event Exclusive Suggested Retail Price: $135.00 US Limited Edition Size: TBA Estimated Ship Date: Approximately Late Summer/Early Fall 2014 Doll Tech Specs: Body Type: FR 2013 Head Sculpts: Agnes Von Weiss Quick Switch Feature: No Skin Tones: Japan Hair Color: Strawberry Red Eyelashes: Yes, Hand Applied I am a sucker for a giftset! I think these pieces will mix well with the club Vanessa, Natalia, and the Kyori from this collection (which I have ordered).  I kind of wish she was tan and I am now regretting selling my Nightfall le vie.  I do like the red hair though and I am interested to see the 'coil bun' hairstyle with the center part as described in the webinar.

Adventures in Motherhood: DIY Diaper Covers Round Two

I made another round of diaper covers. This time I opted for the snap tool to use as closures.  I found that the velcro smashed the fold over elastic too much after a few uses.  I also had an incident where the velcro rubs the baby's leg pretty bad so I'm trying to avoid that by using the snaps.  One word of caution, be sure you have the right end of the snap because you can't take it back.  After realizing that I put the wrong end of the snaps on one of the side of the diapers there was no way I could get the snap off without tearing apart the diaper itself.  One nice thing about the snaps is that they seem like they will be more customizable for the baby.  I also won't have to worry about the velcro tearing apart other laundry in the machine.

Tonner 2014 Convention: Once Upon a Time Breakfast

Cinderella Centerpiece limited to 150 pieces using the Kay sculpt.

Tonner 2014 Convention: Renaissance Banquet

The centerpiece is a nice American Model limited to 100 pieces called Milady.  I am a little shocked at the lack of Tyler at this convention so far...I thought for sure there would be more of her and friends tonight as the centerpiece...but maybe there will be something tomorrow. The souvenir is a Deja Vu...Lady Arabella Bertran le 300.

Squeeeee! Tonner Diana Prince Line!

Excitement! So this could be swell.  I wonder if they will do the groovy retro looks too?   Read about it here.... According to attendees, the outfits looked fashion forward...with nods to the traditional costume.  There will be a basic doll, two outfits, and three dressed dolls.  The sculpt will be Tyler 2.0 with a tyler bust and the heroic arms. Coming in the Fall.

Tonner 2014 Convention- Lady Action Lunch

The centerpiece is, as expected, Lady Action.  She is limited to 250 according to facebook .  I am not sure if there is anything special about her or if this is the same doll that will be in the regular lineup?  Assuming there will be a regular lineup? Now we wait for the Wonder Woman outfit!!!! It is the classic look but a much nicer version than the first one that we got...this is also for the large bust version.  LE 150 pieces.

Tonner 2014 Convention- Friday NY Times Dinner

Tonight is the NY Times Dinner breakout event featuring Tyler's 15th Anniversary and the new Carmen Dell'Orefice doll debut.  So far we have seen photos of the 15th Anniversary Tyler in a red Hi-Low hem lace dress and brunette ponytail updo.  She is limited to 300 pieces. Carmen looks promising.  She is limited to 200 pieces. She features an Antoinette body with fuller shoulders and bust called the Chic Body.   Tonner has added some body comparison pictures to their facebook page. According to Desiree, she was $195 and there are still some left!

Integrity 2014 Reveal ANTICIPATION!!!!

Well, tomorrow will be exciting!  The first big webinar reveal for Integrity is at 11a central!  I plan to have cozy cup of coffee and my wee lad on my lap for viewing.  We have already been informed that the lines will include Poppy, Tulabelle, FR, and Jem!  This might be utterly brutal on my bank account (even more reason why I am glad I skipped the Tonner Convention). JEM  I already know that the Jem line is a done deal for me.  I am expecting to see Clash and Video in this round...possibly Regine in a lower edition size like they did with Astral in the last round.  I know people are hoping for Eric or TechRat...but I wonder if we won't see them until the Homme body redesign is complete?  Although it would make more sense to me to keep all the fellas in the Jem line on the same body.  It's all I will buy whatever they want to sell me from the Jem line. FASHION ROYALTY This is supposed to be a re-launch of sorts featuring th...

Tonner Convention 2014-Friday Wilde Times Luncheon

Wilde Imagination took over for the lunch today with a Hat Parade theme.  The centerpiece dolls are Vintage Confusion Lizette and Ellowyne.  The dress styles are pretty reminiscent of the red Lonely Hearts Ellowyne dress of a few years back. Each are limited to 150. There was also an exclusive Dark Attic Evangeline Ghastly limited to 150. The program featured the hat parade contest, a look at sculpting to production, and Robert covered the use of dolls in advertising. It looks like the souvenir table favor was a cute pair of pink pumps "Soft Step" and cards of the Wilde Imagination lineup.