2014 Jem and the Holograms Wave Five: Clash, Video, Danse, & Regine!

Clash Montgomery™
Adult Collectable Doll
Limited Edition of 750 Dolls Worldwide
Approximate Ship Date: Second Week of June 2014
Suggested Retail Price: $125.00 US
Available for Pre-order from Any Authorized Integrity Toys Dealer
Doll Tech Specs:
Body Type: Color Infusion / Jem
Head Sculpt: Kimber Benton
Quick Switch Feature: Yes, Version 2.0
Skin Tone: Japan
Hair Color: Orange and Teal (Look one), Electric Purple (Look two), Blond (Look three)
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand-Applied
All Clash Montgomery ever wanted was to be noticed and become an integral part of her favorite band, The Misfits. Ready to do anything to please Pizzazz, Clash will stop at nothing to cause trouble for JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS and her cousin VIDEO MONTGOMERY! Watch out JEM, the MISFITS are out to get you!
Clash Montgomery is a fully articulated 12.5-inch vinyl doll with rooted hair and hand-applied eyelashes. Clash comes dressed in her signature mischievous costume and includes her intricately detailed cymbal bracelets and three separate heads that can easily be switched to re-create the various looks and disguises that Clash sported throughout the series to help the MISFITS create havoc for JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS! A doll stand is included. For adult collectors ages 15 and up. Some assembly required; detailed instructions are included.
Item # 14050
"Video" Montgomery™
Adult Collectable Doll
Limited Edition of 500 Dolls Worldwide
Approximate Ship Date: Second week of June 2014
Suggested Retail Price: $119.00 US
Available for Pre-order from Any Authorized Integrity Toys Dealer
Doll Tech Specs:
Body Type: Color Infusion / Jem
Head Sculpt: Jerrica Benton
Quick Switch Feature: No
Skin Tone: Japan
Hair Color: Citrus Yellow with White Streaks
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand Applied
In the 1980s, no self-respecting rock band could do without totally awesome music videos to promote their songs... That's where "VIDEO" MONTGOMERY comes in! Through the magical eye of her lens, VIDEO (as she is known to her friends) creates the visual image of JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS! A good friend of the band, VIDEO is at the forefront of technology and no one in the industry can beat her sleek imagery!
"VIDEO" MONTGOMERY is a fully articulated 12.5-inch vinyl doll with fully rooted citrus yellow and white hair and hand applied eyelashes. VIDEO is ready to catch it all on camera using her ultra detailed and fully adjustable camera and cutting edge VHS recorder! Video comes dressed in her signature costume and includes shoes, a banana clip in her hair and earrings. A doll stand is also included. For adult collectors ages 15 and up.
Item # 14051
"Danse" Dvorak™
Adult Collectable Doll
Limited Edition of 500 Dolls Worldwide
Approximate Ship Date: Second Week of June 2014
Suggested Retail Price: $125.00 US
Available for Pre-order from Any Authorized Integrity Toys Dealer
Doll Tech Specs:
Body Type: Color Infusion / JEM
Head Sculpt: Pizzazz
Quick Switch Feature: No
Skin Tone: FR White
Hair Color: Blond with Blue and Pink Streaks
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand Applied
While "VIDEO" MONTGOMERY catches all of JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS' music videos on film, "DANSE" Dvorak is the true artist who choreographs it all and helps bring JEM's music to life with her sleek dance moves and perfectly coordinated routines. DANSE (as her friends call her) is also the spokesperson of a halfway house for runaway teens called Haven House and does a lot of charity work. She and her friends THE HOLOGRAMS have a deep bond and it truly shows on screen!
"DANSE" DVORAK is a 12.5-inch fully articulated vinyl doll with long rooted colorfully streaked blond hair and hand applied eyelashes. DANSE comes dress in her signature 80's costume and comes with a complete second outfit, perfect for dance rehearsals in the studio! A doll stand is included. For adult collectors ages 15 and up.
Item # 14053
Regine Cesaire™
Adult Collectable Doll
Limited Edition of 500 Dolls Worldwide
Approximate Ship Date: Second Week of June 2014
Suggested Retail Price: $119.00 US
Available for Pre-order from Any Authorized Integrity Toys Dealer
Doll Tech Specs:
Body Type: Color Infusion / JEM
Head Sculpt: Janay 3.0
Quick Switch Feature: No
Skin Tone: Light Honey
Hair Color: New Wave Blue
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand Applied
An up and coming fashion designer REGINE CESAIRE was discovered by COUNTESS DANIELLE DUVOISIN and introduced to JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS who immediately agreed to have REGINE create a new look for them, which REGINE named after her birth place, the Martinique look. Ultra-talented, REGINE is highly sought-after by rock stars looking to "up their game" and make a splash on stage. REGINE has created looks for all of the greats, including THE STINGERS!
REGINE CESAIRE is a 12.5-inch fully articulated vinyl doll with long, curly rooted blue hair and hand applied eyelashes. Produced for the first time in doll form, REGINE comes dressed in a meticulously reproduced TV-show inspired costume and includes a fashion portfolio and fashion sketches that she created for THE STINGERS. A doll stand is included. For adult collectors ages 14 and up.