
Showing posts from January, 2010

New Tonner 2010!

Woot Powergirl ! There are still too many place holders for my taste though... More thoughts later... To see some actual pictures from Idex 2010... click here .

Mrs Beckinsale: My Ethical Clothing Pledge

I'm doing this... Mrs Beckinsale: My Ethical Clothing Pledge

Challenge..No New Clothes for 2010! Take the Ethical Clothing Pledge.

Okay...I think I might be ready for a MAJOR commitment. Sounds crazy I know. But I was inspired by listener JoniMarie's 'no new clothes' pledge as well as trip to the Salvation Army last night that netted me three pairs of pants, three blouses, and one African Dancer costume for $25! And one of those pants were Seven for All Mankind Jeans!!! Heck I could re-sell those suckers on eBay for $40! So with my love for vintage and thrift store shopping, combined by my sewing skills, my desire to save money, my need to widdle down the stash, AND the positive impact on the environment...I think i can do this! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T H E _ E T H I C A L _ C L O T H I N G _ P L E D G E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I pledge to only wear clothing that is one or more of the following: 1. Pre-loved 2. Handmade (preferably by me) 3. Reconstructed 4. Made with ethical / environmentally friendly materials 5. Made by a company with strong eth...

Behold! New Swing Shoes Coming My Way!

I just won these on ebay...for $15!!! I love me some ebay sometimes.

Tonner Dolls on Sale at Lone Star Dolls!

Sweet Deals to be had...resist if you can!

Learn something new! Purling Long Tail Cast On!

How I can get the first row of ribbing out of the way as I cast on! Genius!

Be Still My Heart...Retro Swing Dance Shoes

Um...I might have found my new jam...these shoes are KILLER ! And the white versions would make fabulous wedding shoes for a vintage bride. I am definitely planning to hunt down these red wedges...they are on sale at Chicago Dance Supply up in Andersonville...muhahahaha!

I'm on YouTube talking about Horror..time 16:40

At least my hair is good...I stutter like crazy though. I am at the 16:40 mark.

Gail Simone Returns to 'Birds of Prey' in 2010 -- EXCLUSIVE

Gail Simone Returns to 'Birds of Prey' in 2010 -- EXCLUSIVE Squeal. Best news ever!

Tonner 2010 Rumors...Squeal!

Ohhhh. I am excited. Evidently for the DC Stars line, we are getting a Deluxe Huntress and Harley Quin. I am sort of lukewarm on the Huntress...but Harley will be awesome! Evidently there are previews in the Tomart Figures magazine and Huntress will be in the purple and black costumes. Hawkman is also coming soon. Also rumored is a Lynda Carter Wonder Woman (squeal!). I think we will be seeing Flash this year too. I keep holding out for Cheetah, Zatanna, and some villains! Green Arrow as well pretty please! Also coming, the Prince of Persia (which we already new), Alice in Wonderland (which we already assumed), and Tron !

Ysolde is my hero...

If you haven't already done so...go buy some patterns . I just went back for more and got all the twist collective patterns I have been coveting. All for the most noble of causes...

Episode #009 KIPing Silky Ninja

Filled with knitting, spinning, ninjas, dolls, costumes, theatre, crafty beavers, wedding, DIY bride, retro fashion, and more! Knitting: -Dax's Cardigan -How to sew on a Button ! - Phat Fiber Box ! - All Twisted Up Fiber and Doll Fashions! - Respect the Spindle: Spin Infinite Yarns with One Amazing Tool - The Intentional Spinner: A Holistic Approach to Making Yarn - Bella Mittens - Amelia Earhart Hat - Montera Embroidered Button Coat - Bamburg Gloves - Knitscene Preview - King of Confidence Cardigan - Ysolde Teague's Patterns for Haitian Relief. - Temporal Scarf Wedding: - Ruffled Vintage Wedding Blog -History of the Seersucker Suit Theatre: - Edward Hopper Project - Uncle Vanya and The Phone Book at Strawdog - Wildclaw's Legion and Macabre Mardi Gras: Dance of the Demented - Artistic Home: Skin of Our Teeth - Seanachai : Dancing at Lughnasa - Dupage Opera Theatre: Turandot Costumes: Lillie Genuine Molded Plastic: Tonner's Cami & Jon & 2010 Preview Hee Park...

Ysolde Teague donating 50% of pattern purchases to Haiti Relief!

How awesome! I just ordered Whimsical Knits II ! I love the first one.

Knitscene Winter/Spring 2010 Preview!

Oh oh oh. New knitting magazine! I do so adore Knitscene as well. Currently Coveting: Teva Durhanm Shirtwaist Pullover. Berocco Ninebark Cowl Vest Matthew Gangy Helleborus Yoke Cardigan Debbie O'Neill's Equinox Raglan looks like a good mindless easy knit for those distracted times when you just want stockinette. The Panbe Dress might be cute...but the stylist for that photo should really re-consider his/her career path. White boots with cropped black leggings? The Ribby Toque would make a great guy knit. The Bungled Mitts look like a great odds and ends stashbuster project. It would be super fun knit in different colors.

New Cherished Friends Sale

Must resist ....I really want a Serafina....

JamieShow Clothing Line at Angelic Dreamz

There is a small clothing line for the JamieShow Men dolls. The pieces, though pricey, look fabulous! I am not sure whether they would fit Tonner dolls. I am dying for the trenchcoat and fedora and possibly the white shoes. They would be so kickass on my Lex Luthor repaint...hmmmm. Most do some investigation. UPDATE! George from Angelic Dreamz thinks most of these will fit the Matt dolls but they must have the jointed ankles to get the pants on (and I believe all tonner male dolls do have jointed ankles). Wee!

Tonner 2010 Preview Collection is Live!

Click to see it! The Dreary dolls look wonderful. I hope we see a male character soon! I love the outfit on the new Deanna Denton as well. The Antoinette Tranquil is killer. The Alabaster Mannequin is really cool and would make a great vampire!

2010 Tonner Collection Preview & Full Release!

Woot! Hold onto your checkbooks everyone... 2010 Mainline Preview and Full Release On Friday, January 8th at 5:00PM EST, a preview selection of the 2010 mainline collection will go live on . On Friday, January 29th, the Tonner and Effanbee full mainline collection will go live on and beginning at 10am EST. And now I am off to bed early. super super sick...crazy evil sick.

Updated Dolly & Action Figure Eviction Sale

I added some more fashion royalty some random buffy figures. Please see below for my trades! Shoot me an email at (obviously removing the no-spam) Prices do not include shipping. Dolls complete unless otherwise noted. Items from a non-smoking but cat-friendly home. International buyers welcome but I will only ship international priority mail (except to canada...we can do airmail) and I will not lie on customs forms (sorry, I have been burned recently and I cannot afford to lose the money if something goes missing). Paypal or US postal money orders. I have positive feedback on ebay under alyrenee. Fashion Royalty: -Live Wire Clone NRFB + extra wig from FR Con $125 -IBTE Fresh NRFB $20 -Iconic Morning Dew Giselle Fashion only $50 -Iconic Power Game Giftset & Box complete w/no doll $200 (fashions have not been removed from the box..just the underwear taken off Natalia) Tonner Dolls Complete: -Pure Antoinette $125 -Miss Match Prudence (no org. shippe...

NewsFlash! Winter 2009 Knitty is Awesome...

oh so much in this one ...

JamieShow Male BJDs from Angelic Dreamz

Oh male fashion doll BJDs from Angelic Dreamz. I am impressed with the female JamieShow dolls so I cannot wait to hear what folks think of these guys. i am still really wanting to get the Ruyi girl...

2010 W Club Registration is Open!

Click to read more ... I have not decided which package I will do...hmmm. I think i am just going basic. Thought I like the Avantguard outfit and that awesome wig....I don't really need another doll.

Tonner Idex Event Cami & Jon

Click to register .... Join Robert Tonner as he introduces his latest 16" fashion doll collection, "Cami & Jonâ„¢." This brand new collection goes in a whole new design direction; one Tonner collectors will surely love. In addition to receiving a limited edition, event souvenir doll, each Tonner event attendee will be treated to breakfast, a program presented by Robert, and will have the opportunity to win fabulous door prizes and raffle items. Don't miss out on being the first to own the debut release doll in the Cami & Jonâ„¢ collection. Space is limited so register now! EVENT COST: $85 We can only reveal one secret about this brand new doll... She features the same body as Antoinetteâ„¢.

La Dolce Bambola

Damn I want this...she is soooo adorable . I might just have to bite...though this flies in the face of my saving money for the wedding and reducing the dolly surplus...but just look at her little face and those wigs! Please check out the creator's page for more temptations...

15% Off at Wilde Imagination

Use the code WILDE01 to get 15% off orders of $75 at Wilde Imagination ... Must resist....must resist....

Episode #008 Resolutions

Engagement, Wedding Planning, Spinning, Knitting, San Francisco Yarn Adventures, Holiday Knitting, Dolls, Gene Convention, Secret Six, Chicago Theatre and more... Click to listen! AntidisestablishmentWEDtarianism: Cricket Hill Montrose Beach ...good for kite flying, sledding, and bird watching Green Mill Jazz Engagement Ring designed by M. Rox Studio ! Indie Wed! Spinning: Knitting: Hollywood Herringbone Pullover Glynis Socks Jaywalkers Jeff's Pub Sweater Devon Clown Socks Fail! Hourglass Rib Socks Dax's Jacket Cashmere Wristwarmers Fetching Mushroom Pulse Warmers Recycled Sweater Felt Slippers Future Projects: Wine and Roses Mitts Acquisitions: Classic Elite Winter Whimsy Booklet 2009 IK Holiday Gifts IK 2009 Weekend Knits Jade Sapphire Mongolian Cashmere Mini Mochi Malabrigo Lace Knit Picks Stroll Playtime Sock Yarn Knit Picks Blocking Mats Knit Picks Zephyr Needles Kollage Square Needles Fail. Yarn Stores Visted: Dharma Trading Company Atelier Marin Imagiknit Dolls: Inte...