2019 Doll Round Up...My Top Ten Acquisitions and my misses.

So for the purposes of this 2019 dolly year in the review, I'm not counting the countless plastic broads on pre-order still (the three Retrofuture ladies, Colette, Mdm. Eden, and Ocean Drive Agnes). At this point I can't even remember why I ordered that Agnes and might try to pass her on....le sigh. I am also opening this up to dolls from year's past that are recent acquisitions to my collection. So, without further ado, here are my personal favs that I added to my doll collection in 2019 (in no particular order). #1 Awakening Annik The wait was long for this doll but I think she is really cool. I got lucky and mine had good hair. #2 Heads Up Poppy Parker Yellow! Super cute. The style lab this year was pretty stellar. I just broke down and sold the copper redhead. She was cute but I try to keep the Poppy squad to a minimum lest they rise up and take over the world. #3 Groovy Poppy in Beauty Blossoms: I love the color of her pigtail...