Original Jem Cartoon Wardrobe Collection

So I have been a bit obsessed lately with the upcoming Jem dolls from Integrity. I cannot stop thinking about them and all the clothes that I want to make for these suckers. I have been watching old episodes and scouring the interwebs for truly outrageous research. During the hunt, I found an amazing website from Pranceton . On that site is an amazing compendium of all the outfits seen on EVERY episode of the cartoon as well as a comparison to the produced Hasbro outfits. Needless to say, I lost an hour of my life staring at it last night. It is amazing and I forgot how awesome so many of the original fashions were. I especially love all the Rockabilly punk Misfits outfits. So much fun. Encore is still my fav. But Like a Dream is a close second... Come on, come on and be a Jem girl....