Whoops it is already 2023....My year 2022 in review.

Yeah, so it has been a while.  Honestly 2023 was a weird one.  I had a lot going on with the job and the life.  I ended up getting a new professor job at UW-Madison and moved to Wisconsin in August.  I also bought a house!  So about 4 months were spent packing and unpacking and the rest was spent stressing out, painting rooms, about making so many changes.  

I purged a few dolls in the process.  Though I am also currently MISSING two pricey Hot Toys action figures (The first Avengers Hawkeye and the Infinity War Captain America).  I keep hoping that I just shoved them in a weird place in the attic or basement or something (Its a big old four square style house in a super cute Wisconsin small town...very Barbie Millicent Rogers hometown origin story house).  In a true mark of obsessive collector insanity, I went ahead and re-bought Captain America via eBay.  I found the exact same figure for about $150 LESS than what I paid for him the first time (which was like $25 over retail as I decided I needed him after he had sold out at Sideshow).  I am hoping that the replacement purchase will insure that I find the original and that I can sell or trade him for someone else.  In other Hot Toys news...I FINALLY got my Endgame Loki...which I ordered during pandemic lockdown in 2021. It just arrived two weeks ago.  Super long pre-order of doom.  And to celebrate, I pre-ordered the Classic Richard E Grant Loki off the wait-list.  I clearly have a problem. I also really want to get the Holiday Special Mantis....but I am hoping that she might eventually be on sale. 

The new house did come with more space for dolls!!!  I have a dedicated design studio as well as a walk in closet/dressing room (vurrry fancy)...and put Ikea detolf in both. The two original detolf I already had in the closet and one new detolf in the studio.  I managed to successfully move the detolf from North Carolina to Wisconsin by taking them apart and laying all the pieces flat in my tiny honda hatchback with cardboard boxes and blankets between them.  Now these things aren't that pricey...but it was frankly easier to just take them apart and try to move them this way then it was to either sell them on craigslist or get the trash folks or goodwill to come and pick them up. And then I saved some money. When I get everything looking good, I will take figures.  I still need to install lighting and organize things.  I have been shoving them in there willy nilly as I get them deboxed/unpacked again. 

If you have ever had to move with a large doll collection, I am sorry and raise a glass to you.  It is not fun.  I actually ended up wrapping a lot of them in tissue paper and laying them in those plastic under the box bins.  And then I dropped those off at my mom's house in the Chicago suburbs when we drove up to look at houses.  I brought as many of the really expensive dolls then so I would not have to stress about them getting lost or damaged on a moving truck OR having any damage from being in a super hot moving truck for a a week in an August summer. If I had the original box, I mostly used those to pack the dolls and occasionally threw in a second doll if it would fit.  The clothes were already stored in plastic bins so those just went into boxes.

The new office also came with more shelves to display toys and dolls at work.  So the Hot Toys Marvel figs, my Wonder Woman collection, and some of my Jem dolls are there. I also like to clearly announce that I am a weirdo with office collection.  I even have room to display some legos too....and yes, I actually do get work done in there...mostly. 

Okay another post is coming up quick discussing the W Club and Integrity dolls from last year.


Unknown said…
I love reading your blog, but just so you know, blogging means posting more freaquent than once a year ;)))

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