Dol-valanche! When all your pre-orders show up in the same two weeks!
Panic. Full on panic. That was the feeling that I and many other collectors felt when we got a recent shipping release update from IT. Several dolls that were expected in late spring and here like NOW! Poppy London Wave, Metamorphosis Erin, Golden Holiday Poppy, Alta Moda Karolin, Glimmer East 59th...umm i am sure I am mentally blocking out some to protect my fragile psyche. Luckily I only have two poppies on order...but of course I entered in the lottery for the caped Poppy...and Nordstrom Elyse...and the waitlist for Erin Metamorphosis.
Not to mention, the last wave of Jem dolls dropping. For some wackadoo reason, I ordered doubles. WHAAATTTTT! Luckily I found some folks to take those extras off of my hands. I might end up selling Farewell Jem nude but will wait to see what her face looks like in person. In the promo photos, she looks a boozey? I currently lack the space to display the extra holograms...but I have already pretty stripped down the Jem displays with very few duplicates...I might have to bring some more gals to work or something. My colleagues already think I'm a dolly weirdo so what's a few more festive haired gals on the shelf ?
And then those new Tonner Wonder Woman dolls are keeping me up at night. I think the edition numbers are high enough that I can risk waiting another month to pre-order and try to sell some more gals to make room and cash to get the Training version and the blue dress.
The point of this rant...well not sure I have a point. Oh, I know...budget be damned. I try to be good and save a little every month for this hobby...but then things happen. Someone offers a doll you want for a killer price (cough Perfectly Suited Giselle cough) and you can't resist. And then you need to replace a filter in the car. And then pay your union poop. I am horrible at being a grown up sometimes. I wish less pricey things were fun for me.

And then those new Tonner Wonder Woman dolls are keeping me up at night. I think the edition numbers are high enough that I can risk waiting another month to pre-order and try to sell some more gals to make room and cash to get the Training version and the blue dress.
The point of this rant...well not sure I have a point. Oh, I know...budget be damned. I try to be good and save a little every month for this hobby...but then things happen. Someone offers a doll you want for a killer price (cough Perfectly Suited Giselle cough) and you can't resist. And then you need to replace a filter in the car. And then pay your union poop. I am horrible at being a grown up sometimes. I wish less pricey things were fun for me.