Tonner Wonder Woman Gal Gadot! Stunning!

When initial promo images surfaced, I was not impressed. Something about the sculpt was not doing it for me. BOY WAS I WRONG. Actually...more like...Tonner needs to take better pictures of his products. In person, this doll is gorgeous and really does capture the gorgeous actress. I kind of wish she had applied lashes and I might add them myself...but that is pretty much my only gripe about this doll.
After seeing Tonner's deboxing video, I immediately regretted not ordering her and, in a panic, scoured the internet trying to find one. I was able to secure the bundle pack from Doll Peddler and she arrived on Monday night. AMAZING!!!
The sculpt is great. Nicely painted as well. Nice hair with good curl and style (but it could be a little longer IMO but still works for me). The figure comes dressed in her outfit and boots. You need to put on the harness, headband, bicep cuff, and metal bracers. The doll comes with no instructions sadly. I would have never figured out the harness or shield without the Tonner video. The video was so very helpful for many aspects of the doll and I highly recommend it. All the accessories are fantastic. The bracelets are real metal and fit perfectly. You need to pop apart the joints to get them on. The headband was a very tight fit and I was a little worried about scratching the doll's face getting in place but it went on alright. The outfit and boots are wonderful. The bodice and the boots are out of a flexible sculpted rubber like material and have really detailed sculpting and painting. The skirt is real leather. Lots of details all around and extremely accurate to the film. To get the costume off, you need to pop apart her torso as the bodice is totally fitted without closures.
The body is a new sculpt and I really like it. She is taller than the former Tyler body. There is more weight to the body as well. The joints feel secure but come apart with just a little pull and got back into place easily. I wonder how repeated removal will effect them over time. They feel a lot more sturdy and easier to use than the Nu Mood swapping parts of even the Integrity exploding bodies. I don't worry about breaking off a peg or anything like that. The 'bikini' region has a rubber sculpted cover that is freaking out some people. Having collected Hot Toys I am really used to this kind of feature and don't mind it at all. Good lord a whole lot of fuss over innovation yall. Plus it makes that whole region look nice if you are displaying her in a bathing suit or something high cut. I like the sculpt of the bust too. Much more natural looking and the overall look of the whole body is more refined. Lovely knees. Good articulation and range of motion all around. I was able to mimic several film poses. The head has way move movement than you used to get with tyler too. She comes with three pairs of hands, all of which have the leather wraps on them. This body is also used by the new Tonner Outlander Claire doll and kind of makes me want to get a Claire too...though I hold out for one that has a better paint job than the two we have already seen...I'm hoping the release a basic Claire in her shift dress or something...I would like to sew her outfits myself.
The feet are a new size...which means this lady currently has no shoes. I am hoping he releases a shoe pack soon. I have not had the chance to check Antoinette or Ellowyne shoes on her to see if those fit. I also haven't tried older Tonner clothes on her yet. I imagine, like with any new body, there will be some things that work and others that won't. I expect we will be seeing both new dressed dolls and stand alone fashions for her later this month at Toy Fair. We might even get more dolls from the Justice League like Mera and the male dolls (ummm AQUAMAN)! I would really gag for a Steve Trevor but I assume that is not happening. The price of these dolls is a little brutal though. This one was definitely worth it...but I simply cannot afford multiples (because of money and space). I would be interested in picking up at least one more Diana in some sort of ponytail in her modern sweater dress outfit or in the chignon (like in the blue dress with the sword in the back). In my dream world...they sell a very basic version and loose outfits. I can imagine a loose outfit is likely to retail for at least $125...and that is going to be I really hope he piles on extras to make them worthwhile. Tonner also plans to sell extra hands for the doll too.

The bundle pack came with the sword and shield and the stand. At first I was like...why the heck is that stand so expensive? Well...the stand is awesome and totally worth it. It is really heavy and much larger than prior stands. It has a waist grabbing top on it and a flexible pose-able pole that allows you to support Diana in some cool action poses. I absolutely love it. I saw on facebook that he will be selling the stand (a blank version...without the Wonder Woman logo on it) and if there ends up being a clear version...I might get an extra one. The sword and the shield are SO COOL. The shield straps were not easy to get on the doll though and I still don't think that I did it right even after watching the video twice. I worry that those straps are going to break but we shall see. The sword is amazing and her sword hand holds it perfect. However, it is heavy and I was having a hard time getting her arm to stay in a pose while holding the sword. Still totally worth it though. I love them.
I do plan to start sewing for her and making some of the fashions from the movie. My first idea is to make the black cloak with the fur collar. I also want to make one of her dresses from Batman Vs. Superman. Additionally I want to create a magic lasso that is shape-able for posing. I will post them on ebay and etsy when I get them finished.
Link to my Flickr album with pictures...
