Resolution Watch 2018! One Week Down...51 to go.

So far so good. I managed to workout five days last week. I also cleaned/organized one surfaces in my bedroom. I sold three dolls last week and have at least two more on eBay currently selling. Progress...she is being made.  I think my next step is to take some dolls out of the cases and do more specific looks in the case.  I will then rotate the dolls over the course of the year. Should a doll remain in storage a whole year...then perhaps that doll needs to leave.  I am thinking I might try the same thing with the clothing collection too. If I have no desire to get it out of the storage bin, then maybe I don't need it. I might scoot the deadline to be around the IT Convention in late October though. That way I can sell the dolls and clothes that need to be let go (let's be honest...I need to make space for incoming convention girls).

Thus far, I have not bought any new clothing for myself or family. I managed to pick up a really nice stroller at the thrift store today for 11.99. This was a wonderful blessing as our original stroller died and my husband and I are hella tall so most strollers don't work for us. This one was perfect and will be great for the long walks to the YMCA this spring and summer. Score.

I have not braved the great clothing purge yet. I am sticking with dolls and other random things first. I might do yarn next.

I have been killing the "read everyday for an hour" resolution though. I finished three quilting book, read a whole lot of Poe, and I am now almost done with a parenting book. WINNING.


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