2014 W Club Registration is Open! Upgrade Dolls are AMAZING!
Download the pdf aqui....http://www.integritytoys.com/wclubforum/2014club.pdf. Or go straight to registration and sign up here: http://www.integritytoys.com/page/w_club. You have until January 21st. You won't regret it. I think I have been in the club for four or five years now and it is truly a wonderful thing. I really like the forum and the perks abound: sneak peaks, dealer coupons, early access to convention, the exclusive dolls...it's all worth it and then some.
The upgrade dolls this year....oh my. I am excited. We already knew one would be Poppy from the new mod Girl from Integrity line up...but I am over the moon for that Vanessa and Danielle!
Item # 91345
Fashion Explorer
Vanessa Perrin® Dressed Doll
The Fashion Royalty® Collection
2014 W Club Exclusive Deluxe Upgrade Doll
Doll Tech Specs:
Body Type: FR 2013
Head Sculpt: Vanessa 3.0
Quick Switch Feature: No
Skin Tone: FR White
Hair Color: Brunette
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand Applied
She has a great Lara Croft vibe about her. I love this mink brown hair and facial screening too. I think she has excellent re-dressing potential with this sleek ponytail updo that can work for day and evening wear. This is also the first time I have really liked this version of the Vanessa sculpt. She will be my first one. The outfit is fantastic. I am not one for the ballgowns usually so when great casual clothes come along I am super pleased. And those accessories! To die for! The whole thing has wonderful mix and match potential and is so stylish. This is really where Integrity has been most successful in stealing my attention from Tonner's fashion dolls. This looks like real honest to goodness high end fashion right out of the editorial pages of Vogue whereas lately I find Tonner fashions to be cutesy or just too flashy for my taste and completely depending upon fabric to bring a 'wow factor' rather than what you see here. The outfit shows amazing attention to detail, line, and balance, and is relying completely upon these elements of design to give you the 'wow factor'. It may not be everyone's taste, but I prefer Integrity's approach. Tonner will still get my dollars for the licensed products like DC Stars and such...but I cannot even remember the last time I bought a Tyler & friends doll.
AHHHHHHHHHH! I am so excited that they chose to make this doll. Never did I imagine that we would get Danielle...but clearly they aren't dummies over there as I imagine she will have cross over appeal to both the Jem and non-jem collectors. I think they have done a wonderful job creating this outfit in doll scale and the hairstyle is spot on. I imagine that having a Jem upgrade doll will likely entice even more Jem fans into the club this year since they will get not one but two exclusive Jem dolls this time around. I also hope that this is a great predictor of us getting some other slightly obscure characters this year. I imagine it is going to be another expensive (BUT HAPPY) year for Jem fans.
Update 12/26/2013:
I broke down and re-newed today and just got Vanessa and the Countess. Restraint my friends....a very good thing.
The upgrade dolls this year....oh my. I am excited. We already knew one would be Poppy from the new mod Girl from Integrity line up...but I am over the moon for that Vanessa and Danielle!
Item # 91345
Fashion Explorer
Vanessa Perrin® Dressed Doll
The Fashion Royalty® Collection
2014 W Club Exclusive Deluxe Upgrade Doll
Doll Tech Specs:
Body Type: FR 2013
Head Sculpt: Vanessa 3.0
Quick Switch Feature: No
Skin Tone: FR White
Hair Color: Brunette
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand Applied
She has a great Lara Croft vibe about her. I love this mink brown hair and facial screening too. I think she has excellent re-dressing potential with this sleek ponytail updo that can work for day and evening wear. This is also the first time I have really liked this version of the Vanessa sculpt. She will be my first one. The outfit is fantastic. I am not one for the ballgowns usually so when great casual clothes come along I am super pleased. And those accessories! To die for! The whole thing has wonderful mix and match potential and is so stylish. This is really where Integrity has been most successful in stealing my attention from Tonner's fashion dolls. This looks like real honest to goodness high end fashion right out of the editorial pages of Vogue whereas lately I find Tonner fashions to be cutesy or just too flashy for my taste and completely depending upon fabric to bring a 'wow factor' rather than what you see here. The outfit shows amazing attention to detail, line, and balance, and is relying completely upon these elements of design to give you the 'wow factor'. It may not be everyone's taste, but I prefer Integrity's approach. Tonner will still get my dollars for the licensed products like DC Stars and such...but I cannot even remember the last time I bought a Tyler & friends doll.
Item # PP059
The Girl from I.N.T.E.G.R.I.T.Y.
Poppy Parker™ Dressed Doll
2014 W Club Exclusive Upgrade Doll
Doll Tech Specs:
Doll Tech Specs:
Body Type: Poppy Parker®
Head Sculpt: Poppy Parker®
Quick Switch Feature: No
Skin Tone: Caucasian / FR White
Hair Color: Raven
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand Applied
A raven poppy with a cute bob haircut! My only complaint is that she is not coming with sunglasses or some sort of weapon prop....SHE IS A SPY AFTER ALL! I like her a lot but not completely in love...but sometimes that is the way of things for me and Poppy. I think it is the outfit. I am not the biggest fan of the mod era. It can be fun but I think my lack of interest in it is solely based on my complete inability to wear mod era clothes due to my ginormous bazongas to put it mildly. Poppy, however looks adorbs in this stuff. I will probably not be getting her and waiting to see what the rest of the line is like. I am hoping for a Emma Peel catsuit with big red hair a la Barbarella....and for a villainess and another boy doll maybe? While I am not of fan of mod for woman, I completely ADORE mod clothes for men. I would buy the heck out of that stuff.
Item #14057
Countess Danielle Du Voisin™
Adult Collectable Doll
2014 W Club Exclusive Upgrade Doll
Doll Tech Specs:
Body Type: JEM / Color Infusion
Head Sculpt: Minx
Quick Switch Feature: No
Skin Tone: Caucasian / FR White
Hair Color: Blond
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand Applied

Update 12/26/2013:
I broke down and re-newed today and just got Vanessa and the Countess. Restraint my friends....a very good thing.