Jane-of-All-Trades, Crafty Beaver, Insomniac, & Multi-tasker Extraordinaire. Share in my adventures in motherhood, knitting, crafting, sewing, fashion, makeup, costume design, theatre, and doll collecting.
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Check it out. I bought the two pattern books that I have been eyeing for awhile (one for Ellowyne and another that features patterns for several dolls). Also...I got the Jem Exclusive SDCC cover magazine.
Sorry it has been FOREVER since I have blogged. I have been working my fanny off at my new day job (professor at UW-Madison) and had little time for anything else. And, I have to say bluntly, I have been feeling a whole lot less enthusiastic about a lot of things lately, but dolls especially. Don't get me wrong, I still love them and have still bought more than a few over the last year. But I have only managed to unbox a few of my purchases in the last year...so I've got a big pile up waiting for me. I finally have a bit of time off and I am hoping to spend some more time with the collection. Also, I want to do some serious purging. I am registered for the 2024 convention and planning to do room sales. So I am considering bringing a serious checked bagged filled with dolls. I think pairing down will let me focus and enjoy what I actually have more. So planning a brutal "no mercy" purge. But there are always lows and highs with a hobby right? Of the dolls released i...
The 2023 Club year was a bit of a sloppy drunk. Let's call her Sheila. Sheila is generally good fun, but occasionally she takes FOREVER, says the wrong thing, over-serves herself, and then spends a lot of time apologizing. Get a hold of yourself, Sheila! Here is a photo showing what I ordered from this year (though it is missing the Wildflower Misaki doll which I did order. This is easily the least amount of stuff I have ordered in a club year. I really liked all of the True Industry line up but was trying to be good. I already have versions that I love of all of those characters and don't want to repeat sculpts with them. I did not have a Jasper or an Auden though and I liked them both enough to enter in the lottery. I got Auden but not Jasper sadly (hoping I will find a takeover later). At the slightly reduced club pricing, the sticker shock of the new high prices was not as bad for what is basically the same Dynamite Girls dolls we used to get for like $60 back in t...
Well another gorgeous set of dolls from designer Christ Stoeckel. He and Mark Tinkey are definitely favs at the moment. The clothing here is lovely and highly detailed. We are getting two new characters which seem to be using some older sculpts. I like them and I don't mind some stylization...but they do seem a touch out of step with the screening on Evelyn which seems more realistic. I tried for Cora in the lottery and lost out. I am hoping to jump on the wait list and maybe get lucky though. I am a big Mugler fan and this fashion on Cora is definitely a reference to a Mugler look as well as to Jerry Hall's locks (also a Mugler model). I missed out on preordering the rest of the ladies from the dealers. I would really like to get Evelyn's outfit at some point. I will be patient. Item # 73047 Arctic Moon Coralynn "Cora" Kwan™ Dressed Doll The East 59th® Collection Limited Edition: 750 Dolls Expected Ship Date: Summer 2022 Suggested Retail Pricing:...