Back from Jet Setting...Le sigh


*pant pant pant*

What a weekend!  I will be updating the blog with some photos shortly. I have to get through a play opening and a HUGE BENEFIT for Wildclaw on monday night...then it's dolly time.

I will be posting the outfits and my doll hats for sale in my etsy store on thursday.  Those of you who were not lucky enough to snag the lime green hats that I had presciently made to match that gorgeous Anja Business Class doll....fear not, I am furiously making more to accommodate you all!  If you would like to reserve one, please shoot me an email and I will let you know when they become available and you will have first dibs before they hit etsy/ebay/pink parlor.

And a big thanks to everyone who bought a hat or outfit from me this weekend!  I may not have mentioned it to you, but I am happy to make any repairs in the life of your fashion or hat should it encounter any battle damage along in the course of play (or say a feline menace).  No charge...just the cover the shipping.

I am also happy to make a hat to match any of your favorite outfits.  Just let me know!

For sale last coming shortly...


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