Knitty Knecklace and Emilia's Belt Finished!
Here's Emilia's belt...

So I finished Emilia's belt with yarn to spare. My current resolution for 2008 is "No Scrap Left Behind" meaning yarn, fabric, etc...trying to use up everything and waste nothing. So I hit the internet looking for something swell to do with the rest of the manos del uruguay yarn I had left after the crocheted belt...and found the Knecklace pattern. It knits up really quickly and I am half way done in only one act of the opera. So hopefully I will have a finished picture by tomorrow night and be able to wear it on thursday! I love quickie patterns. Let's me feel like I've accomplished something...
And here is the finished Knecklace...
So I finished Emilia's belt with yarn to spare. My current resolution for 2008 is "No Scrap Left Behind" meaning yarn, fabric, etc...trying to use up everything and waste nothing. So I hit the internet looking for something swell to do with the rest of the manos del uruguay yarn I had left after the crocheted belt...and found the Knecklace pattern. It knits up really quickly and I am half way done in only one act of the opera. So hopefully I will have a finished picture by tomorrow night and be able to wear it on thursday! I love quickie patterns. Let's me feel like I've accomplished something...
And here is the finished Knecklace...