
Showing posts from January, 2021

Mizi Ready To Go Doll by JHD Fashion Doll

 I have not been tempted much by the Mizi dolls yet.  They have all been pretty cute though.  Then I just got a notification about this one...and ordered ASAP from Happily Ever After . So so cute.  I love that fringey little mini-dress and the suitcase. The hair is cute too.  Very 60s. I also love blue.  I am excited to see the doll in hand.  Mizi - Ready To Go Retail Price $140 Edition Size: 350 Created in 2021 Head Sculpt: MIZI 2.0 Body: Fashion Model Skin Tone: Californian 12 Inch Tall - 1/6 Scale Includes: dress, earrings, bracelet, boots, stockings, handbag, suitcase and doll stand.

W Club Final exclusive 2020-2021: NuFace A Fashionable Legacy Violaine Perrin

  So this happened.  I have been pokey to blog about it because initially I was pretty salty about it. Well, I am still pretty salty about it. The name of this set refers back to the A Fashionable Life Vanessa gift set from 2005 sold by FAO Schwartz and limited to 300 pieces. It was a great gift set that I would kill to have. It featured red and black pieces, luggage, and a stunning Vanessa with raven hair, a retro hairstyle, and a widow's peak! Taking the original inspiration into consideration, this offering tries but fails to live up to the original in my opinion. First of all...what in the fresh hell is this "fashion" trying to do? Raw edges do not make a fashion edgy. In doll scale, it just makes things cheaper. This whole thing is a big ole mess...and a big ole miss.  Had it not had raw edges, I might have considered these pieces for Cruella she can pull off a more costumey look. However, the raw edges and the extra large printed trompe l'oiel stit...

W Club 2020-21 Exclusive Sugar and Spice Poppy Parker Gift Set

We got our fourth club doll of the 2020 club year and it is another Poppy gift set.  This one is $25 more than the Poppy/Ginger set from last year.  However, this set does feature more pieces with better mis and match potential (party frocks are boring yall...).  I do wish the dolls themselves were more different. Like the Spice Poppy could have had a brunette short cut like the super cute Sabrina dolls.  I will be ordering this one because I must have the saddle shoes and I love a little cardigan.  I will not be keeping the Sugar blonde.  I might keep Spice...she looks a bit like the Oh La La from the Bon Bon collection which I sold (and regretted). I might give her a shorted cut though like Agnes Merveilleuse. I wish this set was a bit less pink.   Item # 77188 Sugar & Spice Poppy Parkerâ„¢ Duo-Doll Gift Set The Poppy Parkerâ„¢ Collection 2020 W Club Exclusive Limited Edition: TBD Estimated Arrival: Summer 2021 Retail Price: $225.00 He...

2021 Intentions...Because resolutions lead to dissolution. Making an effort in the new year.

 Oh, 2020.  Bye girl.  So when thinking of my goals for 2021, I am taking my cue from Tiny Habits.  Little changes can add up. I have already seen how doing a bullet journal can really de-clutter my brain.  That move has truly been a game-changer in terms of productivity. Some of my goals are bigger though, so we will see how it all works. I am no longer calling these resolutions. Instead, I think of them as intentions.  I intend to do these things.  If I don't, I have not BROKEN anything and can pick back up where I left off.   2021 Intentions: #1 Grace.  Be kind to myself. Shush the inner mean girl. #2 A minimum of twenty minutes of movement a day.  I have managed to keep this up since Labor day with only two exceptions: Election day when I worked 18 hours and did a ton of legwork...i think that earns a pass and two weeks ago when I sprained my ankle and needed to rest it for a day.  Twenty minutes of movement can be as simpl...