
Showing posts from March, 2015

Jem and the Holograms Lindsey Pierce IT Direct Exclusive Up for Pre-Order!

Hold onto your headbands Jem fans, t his gal went on pre-order at noon today.  Go get her!  I am a big fan of the Rapture sculpt and love this outfit. Look at those amazing boots!  Very excited.  At 500 pieces, she is likely to sell out as the previous small editions have (Astral, Danse, and Regine). Item # 14056 Lindsey Pierceā„¢ Adult Collectible Doll The JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMSā„¢ Collection   Limited Edition Size of 500 Dolls Estimated Ship Date: Approximately Late May/Early June 2015 Retail Price: $125.00 US + Shipping and Handling (and applicable sales tax for Maryland residents) IT DIRECT EXCLUSIVE Doll Tech Specs: Body Type: JEM COLOR INFUSION Head Sculpt: Rapture Quick Switch Feature: No Skin Tone: FR White Hair Color: Pale Blond Eyelashes: Yes, Hand Applied Lindsey is a fully articulated vinyl doll with thick rooted curly blond locks and hand applied eyelashes. Our famous VJ comes dressed in her most iconic look from the...