Tonner 2015 Mainline Preview

Tonner released his mainline preview . The biggest shock was that most of the dolls were actually already in stock. The Jupiter Ascending dolls are darn pretty. They really did a nice job on the sculpt and the outfits. Not my thing but I can't say that I am not tempted. There are several new Diana Prince dolls and fashions. I am definitely planning to get Agent Diana . She is amazing. The only other one that interests me is the fashion from Golden Princess . I hate the bangs on the rest of the girls...and the wigs. Hate wigs. HATE EM! I'd like to pick up the star spangled bathing suit on the basic doll at some point though. I think Tonner is smart to get a two-fer out of Wonder Woman by giving comic geeks a little something and Tyler collectors a little something. The fashion offerings are the classic sportswear offerings that typifies Tonner's design aesthetic. I am left unmoved though....