2022 Intentions and looking back at 2021...

Looking back at my 2021 intentions, I totally failed on a few...but did okay on some...

 To review, my 2021 Intentions were :

#1 Grace.  Be kind to myself. Shush the inner mean girl.
I did okay with this and it was a good resolution.

#2 A minimum of twenty minutes of movement a day.
Same here until I couldn't.  I was fairly consistent with keeping movement as a part of my day right up until I got a breakthrough covid case (thanks Delta!) in late July 2021. I then suffered from fatigue symptoms and body aches for quite awhile.  I was only able to start running again in late September (no more than 2 miles once a week) and then was able to run a 5k again in early December. 
#3 Take control of a small space every day. 
Um...sort of failed on this.
#4 No makeup for 2021. 
Failed again.

#5 Ethical Clothing Pledge for 2021.  
Did pretty well with this. I pretty much only bought from Poshmark, eBay, ThredUp or the thrift store for the bulk of the year save for some workout clothes and a binge on fancy sweatpants from Aviator Nation. So planning to keep this up for 2022 and try not to buy unless I drop a few sizes.

#6 Dolls. Play more. Buy less. Only buy what you love. Only keep what you love. 
Did okay...but there was also much less to buy this year.

#7 Track my Etsy business better. 
Totally nailed this. I started using Craftybase.  Increased my sales and have a decent system in place now.

#8 Get a grownup website(s).
Made some improvements but I do still need to redo everything.

#9 Draw everyday. 
Didn't draw everyday but definitely drew a whole lot more.

#10 Read something non-academic everyday. 
I did okay with this...not everyday but definitely more.

Okay, so now for 2022!  

It would be great if 2022 could generally suck less than 2020 and 2021.  Despite the whole family getting Covid in July and the virtual teaching stuff and theatre still being shutdown most of the year, 2021 was not too horrible for me and mine.  I was able to get my massive student loans forgiven!  We were able to visit family in San Francisco during that brief vaguely normal window in early July before Delta went nuts. My etsy business kept improving and I was able to save up some money.  I got tenure at the university where I work which also came with a raise.  This was combined with the state FINALLY giving us a cost of living raise too. My kid is generally awesome and smart and funny and easy-going in a way that we truly don't deserve.  We all spent a shocking amount of time together and made the most of whatever came our way. I had some new opportunities for research, got some grants, and co-wrote a journal article and a book chapter on accessibility for persons with disabilities in the arts.  It was a decent year career wise, life-wise, and business wise. Despite most performing arts being shutdown, I was able to get a little design work in and had a fun new experience working on costume displays at a local art museum. So looking to next year, here are my new goals.

  1. Grace and kindness for myself and others.
  2. Just keep moving...any movement. All movement counts.
  3. Scale down and declutter.
  4. Consume less.
  5. Dip toes into possible buying a home (GASP).
  6. Write a book proposal.
  7. Draw and create more.
  8. Make time for joy.


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