2021 Intentions...Because resolutions lead to dissolution. Making an effort in the new year.

 Oh, 2020.  Bye girl. 

So when thinking of my goals for 2021, I am taking my cue from Tiny Habits.  Little changes can add up. I have already seen how doing a bullet journal can really de-clutter my brain.  That move has truly been a game-changer in terms of productivity. Some of my goals are bigger though, so we will see how it all works. I am no longer calling these resolutions. Instead, I think of them as intentions.  I intend to do these things.  If I don't, I have not BROKEN anything and can pick back up where I left off.  

2021 Intentions:

#1 Grace.  Be kind to myself. Shush the inner mean girl.

#2 A minimum of twenty minutes of movement a day.  I have managed to keep this up since Labor day with only two exceptions: Election day when I worked 18 hours and did a ton of legwork...i think that earns a pass and two weeks ago when I sprained my ankle and needed to rest it for a day.  Twenty minutes of movement can be as simple as walking from my car to the office and back or going on a run.  But it has proven to be a goal that I have been able to make a habit. 

#3 Take control of a small space every day.  I am working on getting my shit together in terms of the chaos around me. I am trying to do cleaning and organizing activities on a small scale everyday.  Marie Kondo would disagree with this method.  But I am trying to do some small purges on the regular in the hope that I will be able to do a better, bigger purge when I am finally able to move to a new place. I started with a drawer the other day. Then I did a table by the front door.  Then three shelves on my desk, etc.  Baby steps. 

#4 No makeup for 2021.  I went on a makeup buying spree in 2020 for no good reason.  I don't need anything this year save for some sunscreen, acne cream, and maybe a new topcoat for my nails.  I think I can go cold turkey for everything else for a year.

#5 Ethical Clothing Pledge for 2021.  Buying used, sustainable, or making it myself.  I am regularly tempted by Modcloth...but it is my intention to resist new purchases (save for undergarments and socks, etc).

#6 Dolls. Play more. Buy less. Only buy what you love. Only keep what you love. Easier said than done.  However, I did manage to redress my collection fairly regularly this year and I really enjoyed that.  Need to do it more.  I currently have too many crammed into one space and that makes play trickier.  I either need to purge or get one more cabinet.  It would be more sensible to purge...but darn if that isn't hard. 

#7 Track my Etsy business better. Spreadsheets tra la. Maybe start a shopify.  Be a little more responsible.

#8 Get a grownup website(s).

#9 Draw everyday. Even if it is just a doodle in my journal.

#10 Read something non-academic everyday.  Even if it is just a paragraph. I read a TON...but I don't get in a lot of fun stuff. 



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