52 Craft Challenge...bring it on. Week 1 and 2 results.

So as a part of my lofty resolutions for 2019, I am trying to make something every week. So far, so good. A portion of this stems from the fact that I have a small (cough...medium) craft store's worth of goods squirreled away in my home. I need to use this stuff up because, as much as I want to, you cannot take it with you.

So, trying to knock a couple of resolutions off at once (Don't save it for the Queen, Work down the stash, and 52 Crafts), I am approaching this with serious intentions to make it to the end of the year with a ton of finished projects. Not sure what I will actually do with all of these things though. I might add them to my etsy store or perhaps try to get a booth at a craft fair. Hmmm.

Week 1:

I did these little resin numbers from my Winter Blow out Box from Sophie and Toffee. This is a monthly craft subscription box. It ain't cheap but I find the items are all things which I cannot readily find here in the states and I enjoy how each box is curated around a theme. (This is not sponsored BTW...I am just an avid lover of their stuff).

Week 2:

Week two had me trying out a Japanese resin earring kit that I got in my Premium Elves Box subscription from Sophie and Toffee. I am taking Japanese right now and hoping I will soon be able to read the instructions without the help of google translate. I think these earrings turned out very nice and will definitely wear these (and gift similar versions).


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