Friday Roundup- Fashion Fairytale IT Convention

Today's focus seemed to be on workshops, a luncheon, and tonight's Bazaar. At least once, there was a bonus gift at the bazaar, but likely not. They continued the trend of mixing up the brands at the various events. I was kind of surprised but not surprised to see Poppy again as the centerpiece. I mean we have had so many already at this convention. But she is also a reliably adorable cash cow. She was also a great choice to be Red Riding Hood.

Item # PP126
Through The Woods
Poppy Parker® Dressed Doll
The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale
Lunch Event Centerpiece
Edition Size: 420 Dolls

Adorable outfit. I was lucky to get this one. I'm not sure I will keep the doll though...I have to see her in person. I might opt to keep the raven snow white instead to use for Red Riding Hood. We shall see.  That basket purse is adorable! It looks like this one has the regular feet.

Item # 91428
Bite Out Of Life
Eugenia Perrin-Frost™ Dressed Doll
The Fashion Royalty® Collection
The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale
Lunch Event Giveaway Doll
Edition Size: 600 Dolls

Big Bad Wolf. Those earrings are everything. I also love the cape. Very dramatic and I like that it is understated (no fur etc...). I have yet to be swayed by Eugenia though...not my favorite sculpt but she is very pretty. 

Item # 82090B  
Sweet Dreams 
Welcome Multi-Part Giftset

Nadja Rhymes™ Dressed Doll

The NU. Face Collection

The 2017 Integrity Toys Convention: Fashion Fairytale
Build-a-Giftset Part B (Sleeping Head and Lingerie)
Edition Size: 600 Kits

The next piece in the giftset was an unexpected partial torso featuring a 'sleeping eye' Nadja. Also included was a pretty bracelet, rose, and pink lingerie set. Additionally, attendees to purchase the pieces to create a complete second body from the salesroom for just under $16! Quite a deal actually. I might try to get a second sleeping head torso to repaint and reroot her. I'd like a Nadja with a natural hair style and color.


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