2016 Resolutions...Making an Effort, Making Better Choices, Simplify, Joy, & TCB in a Flash!

So another year, another round of resolutions.  2015 brought lots of change for me.  I left a job that I had for fifteen years...basically the only 'real' job I had ever had (not counting Dairy Queen).  I moved away from my family, friends, and creative home (Sweet Home Chicago) and set up a new life in Charlotte with a new job as Assistant Professor of Costume Design.  The transition has not been easy.  Moving was HORRIBLE. The new job is great but brings some new stress (cough *tenure terror* cough).  My new house is a bit smaller than the old apartment but much better for the tiny human boy child.  The kid is doing great.  He seems to be enjoying himself. My husband is utterly miserable and I am slightly miserable.  It's lonely in a new place and making new friends is not the easiest thing to do but we are trying.  The theatre scene in town in non-existent. It is tragic and depressing. The food is decent.  The weather has been gloriously mild.  I laugh when I see people around here bundled up for 45 degree weather.  That is like bathing suit weather for me.  I love it.  I am sure I will change my tune when it is like 115 in July.

So with that update, here are my resolutions...

  • Make an Effort!
    • A standing resolution that I make every year.  Basically a mantra.  Something that I remind myself everyday and can always achieve...whether it big or small.  Some days this is making the bed, getting to the gym, putting on eyeliner...little efforts add up
  • Make Better Choices!
    • This is mostly food and diet related. I am struggling to lose my baby weight. I am hoping that this resolution will help. 
  • Simplify!
    • We were forced to purge a lot when we moved.  I still have TONS OF CRAP though.  So much yarn and fabric and dolls and clothes and makeup...just stuff.  I am working to reduce the stuff by selling, donating, or using what I already have and trying to limit new purchases. I have many many dolls go in the last month.  It was initially very difficult to do...but once I ripped the band-aid off, it has been much easier. Even the husband has been surprised.  I am hoping I can parlay this good will into a much needed second doll display case so I can get more of my beloved dolls out of boxes and onto shelves..which will help me get things looking less cluttered around here.
  • Joy!
    • This is sort of based on that Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up book...if I thing does not give me great joy...then I don't need it.  I am trying to remind myself of this...don't purchase the blouse unless it makes me look and feel amazing.  Don't hold onto that doll unless you are filled with happiness when the lid comes off the box. Etc...
  • TCB in a Flash!
    • TCB reminds me to get things done.  Efficiency in the things that I have to do gives me more time for the things that I want to do. I bought a planner.  I have been making goal lists for the weekend.  I am limiting my time on time wasters (social media) and trying to accomplish chores while watching TV programs.  So far so good.  I got crazy amounts of work done today and spent some quality time with the tiny man child. 


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