Out of This World & Mood Changers Poppy Parker Dolls

It has been raining dolls around here.  Integrity's timing has been impeccably disastrous for my wallet. Techrat, Veronique giftset, upgrade Agnes and Faux Sean, Dania, Paris Jem...and I am still unable to debox them as I have not completed the display case set up.  I still have to refinish a table on which the display case will set.  Hoping to get that done today as I am eager to get these dolls on display and get the boxes up into the attic (or the recycling bin...haven't decided how I am handling The Great Box Dilemma).

In my recent doll purges before the move, I widdled my Poppy collection down to just the Girl from Integrity.  I ordered the 2015 W Club Mood Changers doll because I wanted the long raven hair Poppy with the aqua makeup.  She does not disappoint.  I was planning to sell the other two heads but both are really tempting in person.  Le sigh.  The best laid plans.  I am giving it another week to decide.  I bought the extra bodies so I could sell them a a full doll...but I fear they might be staying awhile.

I also sprung for Out of This World Poppy because I thought she would be a perfect spy companion.  I am a sucker for platinum hair and loved the combo of the hair with the pale frosted lips. I opened her and made an audible gasp. GORGEOUS! Really... I think I can stop collecting Poppies because I cannot imagine them making anything better than this doll.  I think this is going to be one of those dolls people will kick themselves for not getting later.  The outfit is adorable and very detailed.  Future mod perfection. And the over the knee silver boots are swell.  The earrings are dangling silver triangles and the over-sized sunglasses are a great touch.


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