Wilde Virtual Factory Sale- A Bumpy Ride

After a frustratingly long day of error messages, the virtual sale is finally a go.  There was a collective grumble heard round the doll world when the shopping cart system crashed and much groaning on the internets.  But it seems like these virtual sales are destined to crash when you have that man people hitting a site all at once.

I missed out on two things that I wanted:  the Rufus Totally Natural outfit and the creepy franken-rufus which I wanted solely for the outfit and boots...(hopefully I can get those loose from someone).  I was able to get the leopard cardy, the striped cardy, the black frills tank top, and the other rufus totally casual outfit.  I thought the boutique pieces would work nicely for Tulabelle.  The Rufus outfit is a great deal and I love the pieces.  I was tempted by the black parasol but I realized that it does not close.  I can likely get one that actually closes if I wait for hobby lobby to put out the christmas stuff again (which knowing hobby lobby is like in a week or so).  I have seen parasol ornaments before and for less than $13 dollars.  I would love to get one for the steampunk couple.

Sale ends on Tuesday...


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