Resolutions 2014

So every year these need to be made...some get left behind but others linger the whole year.  My thinking is that if I manage to stick with these even part of the time then there is a benefit.

Finish a script.
Get a script produced.
Finish custom Action figures that have been back burnered.
Ethical clothing challenge.
Stash diet...nothing new and work it down.
Knit four sweaters.
Keep house respectable.
Reduce clutter.
Eat better.
Exercise more.
Write more.
Create more.
Waste less time.
Be less fearful.


TMarie said…
You can do anything for 15 minutes.
Take care of yourself and the new little one~life will change drastically.
Cherry Bag in Pittsburgh
TMarie said…
You can do anything for 15 minutes.
Take care of yourself and the new little one~life will change drastically.
TMarie~Cherry Bag in Pittsburgh

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