W Club Registration is Open Until 1/18/2012!

Don't miss out.  I have been super pleased with the W Club dolls as of late.  My Sweet Confections Poppy is AMAZING! Check out Shuga's great pictures on her blog.  I just got my girl out of the box...  I do love her with the blonde hair and tan skin.  She is hanging out with Sunset Rave Ayumi and hopefully I will have a chance to swing by Gigi & Sherry's to FINALLY pick up my long neglected Rebel Spirit doll so that I can have a fun tan girl clique for the shelf. 

This year's upgrade add-on dolls in the 2012 Brochure are fantastic.  I managed to resist last year's offerings as I am not a fan of Kyori (yet).  I am definitely getting this Poppy but still have not decided on the Natalia. She has nice coloring though and does not look as severe as previous Natalia dolls.

The club is a must if you plan to go to the conventions if only to get into the w club lunch and to get early registration access.  However, it is also a must if you plan NOT to go to the convention since you get a chance to buy the extra convention product before the rest of the world.  This year's convention will be in Orlando and I am pretty confident that I won't be able to go due to theatre, money, and life.  So this will be my best way to get a dolly fix (unless I decide to get a proxy...which is a possibility).


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