Costume Design Coma

Ugh.  November has been ruthless and brutal.  Two straight weeks of tech/dress rehearsals and four show closings...which translates into about 80 hours of over time...ten days of 13 hour workdays, the sewing of seven romantic length tutus, the making of a robotic dragon tail and head (you heard me), 13 joker inspired dance costumes (sewing 13 green corduroy vests and hunting down 13 duplicate pairs of purple pants and blouses in the world), about 10 loads of laundry, at least a billion trips up and down the shop stairs, and more stops at walmart, joann, target, and the wig store than a girl can take.  Plus my work computer got a virus two and a half weeks ago while I was doing research on Gieshas for Janaury's Madame Butterfly and still has not returned from IT yet.  And did I mention I am cooking Thankgiving dinner for the first time next week.  And I have designs for Wildclaw's Kill Me and Strawdog's  Petrified Forest to do....and the foley work for Wildclaw's Deathscribe 2011 on December 5th...and designs for Butterfly.  And a production meeting for Romeo and Juliet in early December.  AHHHHH!

It's been a month.  Looking forward to sleeping soon....maybe in 2013.

Oh and I spent all day writing contracts for Wildclaw.  Last week I took bad photos of doll hats and outfits...soon to be posted on etsy and ebay.  Maybe even tonight.  Right now...there is a cup of hot apple cider and a bottle of jameson calling my name.


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