Tonner Fall/Holiday 2010 Collection

This is old news..but I have barely looked at it yet...

For Firefly...Jayne looks good and I cannot wait to see Zoe...I am just so pleased to be getting more of these.

Lord of the Rings- Galadriel is STUNNING.  I will hold me opinions for Legolas until i see him in person.  the outfits look great though.

Cami & Jon  I completely adore Andy Mills with his hipster glasses, skinny leg suit, and emo hair.  I want him.

DC Stars  The girls in 13" format are cute..but I just can't do yet another size especially when it's not even a different Supergirl outfit!

Deanna Denton  the new one is GORGEOUS.  I am tempted to get her just because her hair is the same color as mine and almost exactly how I wore mine for the wedding...and I could make her into a swell mini-me.

Antoinette  I like the giant statement jewelery and obvious couture influences but these dolls just aren't for me.  I need to keep a focus on this crazy habit of mine.

Harry Potter  Well aren't these the most adorable things ever.  And McGonegall is fabulous...AND on the tyler body. I wonder if they will be redoing all the adults in the tyler scale?  I might kill someone for a Serious Black.  Yummy.  But this means collectors of the orignal figures might be a bit cheesed off.  I was never a fan of the larger bodies and I am much more tempted to buy these in the current scale, especially if they then make the kids as teens on the matt/tyler/bella bodies.

Wizard of Oz The re-imagined oz characters are fun.  I like the Tin Man the best...and the Duchess sculpt is great.

Anne Harper  First of all..of course I am going to want a doll who is a costume designer...duh.  And in one of my favorite periods evah!  This is clearly Tonner's answer to Gene's retirement... and god bless him for it.  The sculpts on both Carol and Anne are killer!  Very vintage and great hair as well....though I doubt I will get any of the wigged versions as I am not a fan of wig dolls.  Star Power and the dressed Anne Harper are definitely on my must have list....must start saving pennies now.  And the Jane Austen era fashion is very cute...

So there you have it.  The rest does not really interest me.  For now anyways...


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