Monster Bowling this Saturday $10 @ Timber Lanes

Do it. Rowr...for Wildclaw.

We here at WildClaw are filled with love. Thank you so very much for your help in securing the Chase Community grant. We couldn't have done it without you...

Feels strange, this thing called love. Uncomfortable. Kind of like gas. We evil creatures are more accustomed to that than... love, you say?

Ahem. We'll start again.

We here at WildClaw are filled with EVIL GAS. And we want to share.

Join us this Saturday, July 31st for WildClaw Theatre's MONSTER BOWL. (Think of it as Halloween in July...with bowling.)

1851 W. Irving Park Road, Chicago
(right off the Irving Park brown line CTA stop)
9 p.m. until 3 a.m.
$10 gets you in the door, bowling, shoes and food.

Come as your favorite monster! Does that mean lycanthrope? kaiju? undead? C.H.U.D.? urban legend? perhaps an ex-boyfriend or a Sesame Street crossing guard?

A: Who are we to tell you what your favorite monster is?

Prizes for: Best Costume • Best Beer Frame Score • Best Monster Yowl / Hunting cry / Mating call

Plus a Silent (shhhh!) Auction, Monster Rampaging, and A Special WildClaw Theatre Season Announcement!! You *know* you want to be there...

Seriously, we do thank you. Immensely. Thank you for your support over the years and especially in the past few weeks. We do hope you can celebrate with us. If not on this night, then very very soon.


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