Tonner Browncoat Breakfast Coverage...I love my new plastic Mal!

(I am the second "Jayne" from the left FYI in the Jayne contest...the Jayne with Vera won the prize). The Tonner Convention Browncoat Breakfast was so fun and was a wonderful introduction to the Firefly/Serenity world for many attendees. As both a Whedon fan and a doll collector, it was wonderful to have my two worlds collide. The Tonner staff gave a nice overview of the Verse for the uninitiated (though "Josh" Whedon was often said...shudder). We had some trivia and the table that won each received an Artist Proof Inara (jealous). The centerpiece at the event was a super sweet Captain's chair reproduction. It's shiny... I got one. They won't be making these anymore so if you come across one for a good price, buy it. They will be extremely rare.

One of the guests was sporting Kaylee's actual costume from the film...(again jealous!)

Last time I checked...they had about 14 of Inara left over...but she may be sold out now. If they have extras, they will be for sale on keep an eye out. The centerpieces and Mal were sold out at the convention.

Don't freak out about missing your chance to get these though because both dolls will be coming out as a part of the regular line (though not exactly the same as these). When Mal comes out as a part of the regular line, the brown coat will be sold separately (a la the Timelord Coat for the Dr. Who line). Inara will be coming soon in a different outfit. I asked Robert Tonner about plans for other characters and he said they are waiting to see how these do before they do more...but they WANT to do more. (So buy em!)

Now, before the complaining about likenesses starts ...these production photos NEVER do these dolls justice. (Like Capt. Jack Harkness looks AMAZING in person). Inara looks really nice and even has some applied eyelashes (not often seen on the Tonner dolls). Mal's wig needs mussin' up but the outfit and gun are killer and i like the sculpt. It is not 100% perfect...but I still love it. If I had to gripe about anything, I am not a fan of the silkscreened pattern on Inara's top. I would rather have had real fabric.


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