Lifeline Theatre's Neverwhere Blew My Mind With Awesomeness!
Go see it. T'was awesome. Like sweet sweet summer action movie *with content* awesome. Fans
of the book
will not be disappointed. (I practically squealed when I saw the trolls on Richard's desk.) The entire production is jaw-dropping gorgeous and inventive in a way that makes me sort of angry at how successful they are...and by angry, I mean really REALLY jealous and amazed at the company's amazing talent and supremely sad that I was not involved. It reminded me of why I do theatre and see theatre: because the magical combination of actors, clever design, and wicked fantastic effects deliver such a body thrill and exciting human connection in a way that goofy 3-D glasses and computer animation never will. I want to stalk this production like a 13 year old Bieber-fan. I want to hand-embroider pillows with "I heart Neverwhere" on them and bake the cast little cakes in the shape of rats. I am expecting this thing to sell like hot cakes. Get your tickets ASAP. Okay..I have gushed enough for now. Expect more gushing later.