Episode #003 Once More & Cut the Steek Dear Friends, Once More!

In this Episode: Some Shakespeare, Tons o' knitting, lil' bit of Sewing, and yet still more theatre! And I lied and never got to comic books..next one folks!

Click to listen!

Lakeside Shakespeare Company
My Ravelry Page
Knitche in Downers Grove
Bohus Inspired Mittens
Ginger Bijou Sweater
Swallowtail Shawl
Rainbow Yoke Pullover
Amelia Earhart
Wonder Woman Beanie
Bella Mittens
Ishbel Shawl
Owls Sweater
Interweave Knits
Vogue Knitting
My Niece's Blog
Bare Boned Theatre
Built By Wendy
Marcy Tilton
Vogue Patterns: Tracy Reese Dress
Sew Darn Cute
Aranzo Aronzi

Support my Hobby Shenanigans by buying the books and magazines I talk about through these links! Mas Besos in advance!
Interweave Knits
Vogue Knitting International


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