AHHH! New Tonner Dolls!!!! AHHHH!

Holy crap! Awesomeness has ensued over at Tonner for the Fall 2009 line! I am dying over those Sinister Circus dolls! But ouch on the prices fro everything. The Hollywood Glamour outfits hardly don't even have purses or jewelery from what I can tell for over $100 for most of them! At least Hollywood Prowl comes with a hat. However, cheers for more outfits and less dressed dolls. Blue Flame (which makes me titter) would be fabulous on Wonder Woman...

Onto Ava Gardner...Dinner with Old Blue Eyes seems like a winner to me. Great outfit, nice hair, etc...

Monica Merrill is very fun but I am not really into the inset eyes. Taking a Letter is pretty tempting though. The Girl Friday outfit is a MUST HAVE for me though. I think it would be a perfect disguise outfit for one of my superbabes.

The Sinister Circus...FABULOUS! This is totally my jam! Tonner is not dumb I tell you. He knows the comic folks and goth kids will eat this stuff up. It's clear that some of this storyline is directly lifted from Carnivale...but I will forgive them since it all looks so good and I do love me some Carnivale. Ugh and then there will be an event at Modern Doll with more dolls from this lineup (Knife Thrower and Assistant!). Sigh! I want them! I am dying for that Painted lady! Brute is awesome and would make a fab Joker repaint. The Ring Mistress...fabulous. Lucine...love her. Teezer has a killer outfit and would be a swell repaint candidate. Giggles is creepy...they will be giving him away next year...but he totally works in this world. The Waif is great too. I already have an Alice's Sister doll..or I would be all over this one. Actually maybe I will sell her and get this one instead. I really like the sculpt and the dark hair is great. The other dolls look awesome. The Painted Lady looks like a Cassie or a Devereaux sister sculpt. Madam Myst looks like a tan Regina. I have no idea on Sheehee but I love him/her! The bearded lady looks like Wonder Woman to me...I want them all really! I cannot wait to sew for these. My little hats will be fabulous on these guys!Oh Money Tree?

The Deanna Denton line has the new Peggy Harcourt doll. The Brunette Basic Peggy is gorgeous! Though I am very tempted by the More Than You Can Chew dressed doll as she would make a perfect Supergirl!

Disney Princesses ahoy. Luckily I can skip these. Though when they make a Prince Phillip...I will be all over that one.

Matt O'Neil is getting some love this year. I am excited for the Ultra Basic Jeremy Voss and FINALLY a Simon Chase! Woot! I am interested to see what these plastic tennis shoes will look like as well.

Antoinette! Man I love this doll. She looks fabulous and is so fun to sew for. I like Pure and love the hair and skin coloring combo and the price after discounts isn't too bad actually for a dressed doll.

Miss Piggy...adorable.

Captain Norrington is up in Pirates. It does not look like it's a likeness. It's an interesting sculpt though and would make a swell DC Villain...like maybe the Riddler?

More ballet re-imagined weirdness with the Gone With the Wind Lineup. I do kind of love the Fiddle Dee Dee though. They added a Belle Watling doll too.

And for the Tyler Extravaganza...
Daphne returns. Collectors everywhere squeal! This doll is stunning. Lots of original Tyler sculpt action. I prefer the new one actually but whatever. Kit is eating crow and back with Chase Modeling. I was expecting more actually but I imagine there will be several store exclusive character releases and then the male dolls as well.

The Harry Potter line adds a spot on Ginny Weasley and a poofy haired Lucius Malfoy.

The Reimagination Line adds the beefy girls to their ranks! I love Forest Frolic! What a fabulous painting on the Wonder Woman sculpt. Me wants. Goldilocks with the Circe Sculpt is cool. And hello Hansel! Man that Hal Jordan Sculpt is awesome! And Gretal with the Ivy sculpt....ACK! I am in so much trouble this year. So much.

The Devereaux Sisters get some more period accurate outfits as well.
Here is my current love list:
-Girl Friday Outfit
-Painted Lady
-Ring Mistress
-Pure Antoinette
-Hide and Go Creep Viktor
-Forest Frolic
-Glutton for Gingerbread
-Insatiable Sweet Tooth


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