New Superdrock Outfit and Site Updates!

There is supposed to be a new outfit on the site today...not sure when or if I already missed it...And they are working on some site updates.

Update at 3pm..evidently, it came and went in a hurry. And it was red.


Unknown said…
Your blog posts crack me up. And might I add... you are enabling me to visit sites I would never before visit! Ack! My bank account! Help! :)
The outfit in question was up for a very short period of time and was an "awards" gown to celebrate their DOTY award. It was a salmon sheer top, wrap skirt with references to previous dolls such as razor blades on chains hanging from the belt of the skirt. You knever know it may reappear at some point. Oh and it was rather pricey which is why I wrestled with myself over buying long enough to miss out anyway!

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