2009 Resolutions...

#1 Make an Effort...this applies to lots of stuff....
#2 Yarn diet until Stitches Midwest...
#3 One doll comes in, one doll goes out. I have hit critical doll mass...so I need to be ruthless about my collection now.
#4 Live for the dream of my weight on my driver's license...it was a lie when I 16 and got the license in the first place...but its good to have a dream....only 40 lbs to go.
#5 Swear less...no f*&k*n way this will happen but I would like to try.
#6 No new clothes until I am a size 8...the 12's will work for a little while longer...
#7 Eat less move more.
#8 Get to 45 minutes of running.
#9 Support the little guy...less buying at the big box corporate.
#10 Say "no" more.


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