Yes. I'm alive...Here is a long overdue dolly update
Sorry it has been FOREVER since I have blogged. I have been working my fanny off at my new day job (professor at UW-Madison) and had little time for anything else. And, I have to say bluntly, I have been feeling a whole lot less enthusiastic about a lot of things lately, but dolls especially. Don't get me wrong, I still love them and have still bought more than a few over the last year. But I have only managed to unbox a few of my purchases in the last I've got a big pile up waiting for me. I finally have a bit of time off and I am hoping to spend some more time with the collection. Also, I want to do some serious purging. I am registered for the 2024 convention and planning to do room sales. So I am considering bringing a serious checked bagged filled with dolls. I think pairing down will let me focus and enjoy what I actually have more. So planning a brutal "no mercy" purge. But there are always lows and highs with a hobby right? Of the dolls released i...