Knitscene Fall Preview is Up! Weeeee!

Weee...more knitting porn. I am a sucker for knitting magazines as of late. I cannot get enough of them. My b-friend even commented on it: "Like you're really going to knit all these?" answer was, "shut up!" and then "maybe?" Well in my dreams I have time to knit all those beautiful patterns...and that's exactly what these magazines are perfect for: fiber dreaming!

So the Knitscene Fall Preview is up! I love Knitscene from Interweave. It's always chock full of cute trendy numbers...I am currently grooving on the Ahlstrom Bodice and Riding to Avalon though I would definitely pick different colors. I think avalon would be swell in green or maybe teal.

The Kodiak Bag looks adorable but I am currently still fearful of felting and that looks like a felting project to me.

But perhaps the Big Thaw is the way to go. Making Brian a sweater would be the perfect way to show him my lust for knitting mags is not wasted...and he wears sweaters well...hmmm.


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