Chick Friendly Comic Stores- Chicago Comic Vault & G-Mart

This is my comic store of choice and happily right down the street from me on the Northside of Chicago! They are always super nice and they even have a ladies night discount on thursdays! There's a weekly blog review/round up about this week's comics. In the store they have toys and a nice selection of geeky t-shirts for men and even ladies size t-shirts. So if you are in the Chicago and looking for a comic store that is not filled with condescending mouth-breathers who stare at your boobs...check out the Chicago Comic Vault. They

If you live on Westside, try Gmart Comics! The owner is a big Buffy fan and also not a condescending mouth-breather. They also have a store in Champaign, IL too. Huzzah!

And just as a tip, most comic stores will order anything you ask them to order. So even if you don't see it in the store, just ask. Anything found in Previews Magazine is usually fair game. That can included t-shirts, books, dvds, games, magazines, toys, sculptures, and even dolls. Tonner definitely solicits in Previews magazine. And most comic stores will offer some sort of discount if you ask nicely. I get many of my magazine subscriptions through the comic shop because I know they will stay pristine. If you get them in the mail they will undoubtedly arrive mutilated!

But Aly, you ask, what comics should I be reading?

Well, there are so many good ones. Of course I read the Buffy comics. They rule. People might also like the Anita Blake comics if you read and liked the books. In general, I recommend starting with trade paperbacks and not single issues. Good comic store staff should be able to find something you would like if you describe your interests. Comics are more than just super heroes. But many of the superhero comics go well beyond dudes in tights with big muscles. Though they may dress silly, the stories can get really intense. Check out DC's Identity Crisis written by NY Times Bestseller Brad Meltzer to see what I mean. Or try Planetary for some stunning drawings and killer stories. If you can find it, Crossgen's Ruse was a really fun Sherlock Holmes-like comic. Strangers in Paradise is a great one. And the Justic League is one bug soap opera half the time. The relationship exploits of Green Arrow and Black Canary play like an episode of Desperate Housewives (if they housewives could kick ass). Over at Marvel, Runaways is a really well-written and often very funny book about teenagers that find out their parents are supervillians. Astonishing X-men is also FABULOUS! Plus you will find many recognizable books based on your favorite tv shows, films and books: Stephen King's Dark Tower series, Indiana Jones, Anita Blake, Buffy, Angle, Battlestar Galactica, Supernatural, Heroes, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. Trust me...dip your toe in the pool and with a little help from your neighborhood geek, you could soon be heading to the store every Wednesday with the rest of us to pick up your newest comic book fix!


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