Sybarite War and Peace from Paris Convention

More from the Parisian Fashion Doll Frontlines:

There was also a Sybarite Duo Set called War and Peace. These dolls both featured new face sculpts and were made from french resin. Yves is in a 60's style a-line zip up Union Jack dress with blue eyebrows, red lips, and a short Twiggy platinum bob wig. The second, Patience, has a frizzy blonde wig with coral-toned makeup. Patience's dress seems to be a white lace up corset dress that leaves one resin booby to fend for itself with only a silver strap to keep the dolly nips warm. Yves has white boots and Patience some white platforms. The new sculpt has a Glen Close vibe to me...which does not exactly shout COUTURE FASHION DOLL to me. But what do I know? Buyers had to sign a "will not scalp" contract...that they vow to not resell the set for three years. Buyers had to sign them before even seeing the dolls! This is a fairly controversial move for Superdoll, but it seems like they live for controversy. Response from collectors about the new sculpts has been mixed...mostly negative from what I can tell and there have been LOTS of heated debates about this no scalping contract on Prego and other forums. I am not a fan of these new dolls...which is good since I would never be able to afford them in like a million years. They certainly are different and I am sure they will be highly sought after in the secondary market...which I guess is now a black market since collectors will have to seek nefarious means to unload these. Psst...hey you...wanna buy a syb?

Patriciann posted pictures on prego...


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