Paris Doll Convention News

The Paris Doll Convention was this past weekend. Pictures can be seen here courtesy of the fantabulous Gerda!

There was a gorgeous Raven hair Ellowyne with cute bangs and a ponytail and smokey eye makeup called Paris Blue limited to 250.

The Sybarite event doll for the Saturday evening banquet was a bright red wigged doll with hot pink eye makeup and a gold and pink evening gown called Epocholypse. There was also a Raven version in a black and silver gown limited to 20 available via a special drawing. Both have lovely face paint and the wigs are in a cute haute heidi braid look. The dresses are nice..but i am not a big fan of Superdoll's gowns. I love their unique sportswear looks more. I am the same with Tonner gowns as well.

Some lucky ducks walked away with the new Sybarite Fashion Victim dolls. I am very jealous as these look FABULOUS. I so want that mohawk pink wig one.... They also had hand sets with different posed hands and I really hope they sell these in the future. There were pics of Angelic Dreamz's exclusive Trapeze and she looks STUNNING! There were also little white souveneir t-shirts for the sybs featuring a syb in a bicorne with laurels.

The Phantom of the Opera (limited to 100) used the Basil sculpt in black tails with the trademark white half-mask. Christine (limited to 100) used a Cinderella sculpt with long titian hair and a frothy white cake dress type number.

And then Sydney La Belle Mademoiselle (ltd 100) was a brunette doll in a pseudo bustle-era cream embroidered dress with pink accents. Also very cakey in design inspiration. There is also a Tyler doll using the old sculpt limited to 100 called Mademoiselle a la Mode. she has raven hair in sausage curls and yet ANOTHER big cakey dress...this time in aqua and vaguely civil way era in style. Might be nice to pair with your Scarlett O'Hara dolls. Here's one that sold on ebay..

There was also a Platinum Barbie Campus Sweetheart Reproduction Doll. I cannot seem to find any pictures of her....


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