New 2008 Tonner Doll Collection Up!

The new doll collection for Robert Tonner Doll Company went online monday-ish with lots of surprises. The biggest being the change in the face sculpt for Tyler Wentworth. I kind of like the new face. The old one was sort of blah in my opinion and the newer version is more defined and looks older. I liked a lot of it but dolly dollars are really tight these days so I don't think I will be getting very much. The prices are dressed dolls and outfits were pretty jaw dropping. The only must haves for me are Viktor Dreary, Sister Dreary, and I REALLY want the new Lyra Golden Compass doll in all her winter gear but I might have to sell a liver to get it. Sigh. Beyond that, I am waiting to see what the new Jason Wu AvantGuard dolls are all about and what's new with the Ellowyne line before I make decisions. In the meantime, I am just enjoying sewing for my dolls and trying to slim down the collection to my absolute favorites. Dolly Survivor basically. But I vowed not to pre-order dolls this year...come what may...I must resist. If its meant to be..then I will get it.


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